All posts in "News"

Christine Lagarde found Guilty at Trial

December 19, 2016

IMF chief Christine Lagarde found guilty of ‘negligence’ over huge payout to business tycoon,  but of course there is no jail time. Because of her position, the court chose not to punish her or give her a criminal record. She had faced a one-year term and a €15,000 (£13,000) fine. Many assume this is why she wanted to […]

Australia Looking Into Cancelling the $100 Bill

December 19, 2016

The Australian federal government is planning a full assault on the black or underground economy by appointing a taskforce who will consider the future of the $100 note and bans on cash payments over a certain level. Australia, like everyone else, is facing a monetary crisis whereby the current system of taxes and social programs […]

Obama Contradicts Clapper & Hillary – OOPS!

December 19, 2016

Hillary told her donor base at Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel last Thursday that Russian cyber attacks were both “a personal beef against me” and meant to undermine “the integrity of our democracy.” Of course, absent from the speech was anything realistic acknowledging that there is a global trend against corruption that is unfolding worldwide. Hillary will blame […]

Steve Mnuchin & Gary Cohn

December 19, 2016

QUESTION: What do you think about Steve Mnuchin as Secretary of Treasury? He does have a beautiful Scottish fiancee. Bill ANSWER: Not a fan. Yes, Steven Terner Mnuchin previously worked for Goldman Sachs but he left them in 2002. That is really not an issue. It is good that he has real, live experience as an investment […]

Status Update on Socrates

December 18, 2016

QUESTION:  I am writing again to find out when and if the “Trader Level platform” will ever be released to the average follower and subscriber of the “Investor” platform. If I was a cynical individual, I would think its only reserved for those of wealth with the ability to attend the WEC conferences to get […]

Mr Trump – Make the Police Accountable

December 18, 2016

To Mr. Trump; If you really want to demonstrate that you do stand for the all people, begin by making it clear that any police officer who kills a citizen like this in North Charleston, South Carolina will no longer be tolerated. Police officer, Michael T. Slager, was arrested on a murder charge after video […]

James Clapper Refuses to Brief Congress on the Proof That Russia Hacked the DNC

December 18, 2016

I am sorry, but he has not basis to refuse to show his evidence. He is clearly trying to instigate a revolution in the Electoral College. He should be held in CONTEMPT of Congress and he is clearly playing politics now with the intelligence community. This is just showing how far we have gone already […]

Hillary Blames Huma Abedin for E-mail Scandal

December 17, 2016

The Clintons will never accept responsibility for anything. Now they are blaming Huma Abedin for the Hillary’s lost election. Vanity Fair reported that one campaign insider commented, “[Abedin] was enjoying the red carpet and enjoying the photo spreads much too much in my opinion. She enjoyed being a celebrity too much.” Obama blamed Putin for revealing the truth about the […]

James Clapper Should Be Criminally Prosecuted for Persjury

December 17, 2016

On November 17th Director James Clapper told congress there was no basis to identify Russia’s involvement in the DNC and Podesta email leaks release by WikiLeaks in the run up to the election. He then tendered his resignation because he knew Trump would replace him. So now all of a sudden, Russia hacked the DNC […]

How Professors are Engaging in Undermining the Country in Colleges

December 17, 2016

A student in California videoed what his professor was saying in class and how they are trying to create a revolution. He actually said that the people who voted for Trump were engaging in an act of TERRORISM because the socialist lost. He went on to say that the nation is divided as it was […]

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