All posts in "News"

Market Talk- June 14th, 2017

June 14, 2017

Despite better than expected data from domestic China (Retail Sales 11% and Industrial Production +6.5%) it was not sufficient to support a positive close. Shanghai finished the day -0.75% as talk that Private Investment growth slowed suggesting a lack of demand for small and medium sized companies; Private Investment is the bulk of the buying […]

Apple Added to Terrorist Financier List?

June 14, 2017

Apple’s Company in Doha, Qatar, has been added to a list of 59 people/institutions that are considered to be funding terrorism (directly/indirectly) by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Bahrain, according to Al Arabiya . It has stunned many to see the Doha Apple Company listed among the financiers of terrorists. It is not […]

Comey Confirmed No Obstruction of Justice

June 14, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your Impeachment Report and it was a real eye opener. I was impressed with your legal expertise. For that reason, the entire Comey testimony never addressed Russia as a threat and he seemed to be saying this was all a personal matter with Trump that he was fired for. He […]

Market Talk- June 13, 2017

June 13, 2017

Tech shares continued to suffer in Asia but failed to influence the wider markets, but by the close even they had turned positive. Having been closed yesterday, today we saw a healthy run in the ASX (+1.67%) after the report that Business Confidence for May released better than expected. Banks led the rally with CBA, […]

It is NOT Impossible to Impeach Trump

June 13, 2017

QUESTION: Marty; Fox News said it is impossible to impeach Trump. Is that true or what? Thanks ANSWER: This is a very complex issue. This is why I wrote this all out in a special report (priced at only $35) because it cannot be laid out properly in a blog. I pointed out that there is […]

Environmentalists Want to Starve Humans to Save the Planet

June 13, 2017

Believe it or not, the new theory in government to protect the environment is to force companies to layoff workers. They want to put a toll on workers driving to work in Canada to discourage them from working and forcing companies to close. The Financial Post has reported a story that really makes you think […]

Market Talk- June 12th, 2017

June 12, 2017

We will probably only see one out of four move this week and that one will, of course, be the Federal Reserve. Yes, we have four central banks meeting this week (FED, SNB, BOJ and BOE) but it is only the FED where the market has anticipated a move. Having been talked for weeks we […]

CNN Destroyed By Weather Channel Founder Over Climate Change

June 12, 2017

I can confirm that I was told to be a good boy and the government would hand me millions of dollars a year to put out studies to support whatever. They tell you what the conclusion is to be and you then write a report that they can claim some expert has derived this as […]

Leftist Just Want to Complain But Avoid the Real Issues

June 12, 2017

  Working people are concerned about taxes and national security. In America they are screaming loud about how Obamacare raised the cost of everyone’s healthcare changing that for 300 million Americans to be concerned about 20 million who the government should have simply added to Medicaid if someone could not get insurance or were illegal […]

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