All posts in "News"

Why I Oppose George Soros

December 16, 2016

Soros, I believe, is trying to do the same thing as Karl Marx. He is funding an experiment to alter society into what he thinks it should be. I believe in Adam Smith and the best way to help society is to rid it of people like Soros who think they have the right to […]

Climate Change – the New Religious Cult

December 16, 2016

This is the picture that was used to start the global warming movement that man supposedly created. Of course, since the weather is not consistently warmer, they changed the term from “global warming” to “climate change.” They pointed to everything from pollution, cutting down trees, exhaust from cars and buses, and even attributed it to […]

Obama is Deliberately Trying to Upset the Election that never Ends

December 16, 2016

White House press secretary Josh Earnest has made constant repeated jabs at president-elect Trump and his team during press briefings. He even went as far to say this week that Trump knowingly benefited from Russian hacking into computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. Unbelievable! Let’s put this in perspective. If […]

Market Talk – December 15, 2016

December 15, 2016

Asia was encouraged by the wests acceptance of the Italian vote and especially the Euro’s strength. Bouncing off of the key 105 levels has created a triple bottom which, if breaks, propels the market lower. we were already aware of the Nikkei’s performance through the futures contract and so cash opening created the days highs […]

Democrats Desperate to Steal Election from Trump at All Costs

December 15, 2016

I have never seen in my lifetime the deep hatred that is emerging in politics. Obama is clearly getting his CIA cronies to stir the pot claiming that Putin hacked the DNC to seek revenge on Hillary. But exposing the corruption inside the Democrats is not justification to overturn the election. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) daughter and Clinton […]

Hatred of the Left Continues to Set Stage for Revolution

December 15, 2016

The hypocrisy of the left continues to brew and set the stage for the break-up of the United States. The left is always the most dangerous throughout history and the most intolerant of all groups. They simply do not allow for disagreement. Trump said if Hillary won he would “absolutely support her” which makes […]

The History of Climate Change — Empires Fall When Warming Turns to Cooling

December 15, 2016

QUESTION:  Hi Martin I have a question I hope you can find time to answer. It appears we are heading into dark times with regards to the convergence of all of these cycles. We have government hunting every penny, we have civil war heating up between the left and right, we have revolution against government, […]

Merkel Wants to Fully Censor the Internet Claiming Putin Wants Her Defeated

December 15, 2016

Merkel is already adopting the Obama strategy by blaming Putin for any potential loss in the election. She is going much further, perhaps because she grew up in Eastern Germany and sees no problem grabbing more power. Her party, the CDU , claims that the ambitions of Vladimir Putin are to defeat her in the […]

Congressman Gets 10 Years in Prison for Corruption

December 15, 2016

Former U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah was sentenced to 10 years in prison for misspending government grants and charity money to fund his campaign and personal expenses. It is amazing how the standards are so different for anyone other than the Clintons. U.S. District Judge Harvey Bartle called the Philadelphia Democrat’s crimes “astonishing,” especially since he and his wife Renee Chenault-Fattah, who was […]

The Cycle of Assassination & War Bottomed in 2014

December 14, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you previously wrote that if Trump were elected he might be assassinated. Do you still see that as a potential? ANSWER: Absolutely. There is an 11-year average cycle for attempts to assassinate the president. Here is the list below: The assassination cycle actually bottomed in 2014 with the Cycle of War. This means we […]

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