All posts in "News"

Happy Pi Day – Tomorrow is the Ides of March

March 15, 2017

While today is know as Pi Day, tomorrow is the fateful Ides of March and indeed to Trump we must say – Beware! It clearly appears that the Treasury has been deliberately trying to get rid of its cash reserves which stood at $435 billion before the election. They obviously expected President Hillary Clinton would be […]

Market Talk- March 14th, 2017

March 14, 2017

Another quiet trading session for Asia resulting in mixed signals with little headway made. All core markets closed within 0.10% of their previous close. China Industrial production rose (6.3% while estimate were 6.2%) for the first couple of this year but were disappointed as Retail Sales released at 9.5% against an expected 10.5%. The BOJ will […]

Did Obama Wiretap Trump Tower?

March 14, 2017

QUESTION: Do you think there is evidence that Obama did a wiretap of Trump Tower? ANSWER: No! Trump used the term “wiretap” as it used to be that way 20 years ago, but today, the NSA takes every phone call in the country if not the entire world. They tap into the trunk systems, they […]

Can the EU Return to just a Trade Union?

March 14, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Marty, When the EU reaches their “Oh shit!” moment will it be able to devolve back into an Economic union? Is there any possibility that the fall in the Euro will rescue the EU? Regards, F ANSWER: Human nature seems to dictate that will not happen. The attempt by the elite to force a […]

WikiLeaks Vault 7 Maybe Bigger than Snowden

March 13, 2017

  The Wikileaks Vault 7 of the CIA espionage has exposed the fact that they are spying on every individual in Germany from Frankfurt. Here is yet another blow to undermining public confidence in government. The CIA is allowed to spy on the entire German economy, every individual citizen, every politician, every lawyer, every businessman […]

NY Prosecutor Preet Bharara Who Protected Bankers is Fired

March 13, 2017

The Trump administration moved on Friday to sweep away virtually all of the remaining vestiges of the Obama administration prosecutors at the Justice Department. They ordered 46 holdover U.S. attorneys to tender their resignations immediately. Demanding resignations from US attorneys is actually standard operating procedure in the DOJ whenever a new administration assumes power. Traditionally this […]

Real Estate & the Financial Crisis

March 13, 2017

QUESTION: Hello Armstrong, Thank for you the great post “The Future – Putting it All Together”. It helps a lot to get a good overview, considering everything is connected. One question, you say “Real estate is nice for some part of a cash holding, but it is taxed to hold it and it is not liquid.” […]

Where to Keep Your Money

March 12, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am 82 years old and ask the question which is much on my mind—- Where is the best place to park cash in this very difficult time. Right now almost all of my cash is in money market funds with the returns very low, yet there is still risk of loss. I […]

Is Trump Fighting a Losing Battle?

March 12, 2017

QUESTION: Why couldn’t Trump turn the Budget crisis into an opportunity and simply tell the American people that we have a budget cap and we will live within it and scrap temporarily his grandiose plans for big tax cuts and job creation. This would also put a lid on wild spending by politicians. ANSWER: Trump should […]

Real Estate – the Faces of Buyers

March 12, 2017

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, as a daily reader of your blog I noticed the recent comment on the norweigian real estate market. You wrote that it was capital flight from the eurozone that made the prices go higher. Parking, not speculation, It seemed, in the light of everything, as a very natural development. As the […]

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