All posts in "News"

Hillary Wages Gender War in Addition to Class and Race Wars

October 9, 2016

Many readers keep writing in to ask what is my personal opinion with all the latest row centering on Trump and women. The Washington Post in digging up old tapes of Trump and destroying the entire election process. Who has not said something stupid 20 years before? Nobody will run for office if this is what […]

Hillary is a Lesbian

October 9, 2016

Well the emails are now pouring in saying: “OMG, your sources are unbelievable.”  Back on July 18th, i told the story that when the Clintons first entered the White House, I received a call with the source was the Secret Service saying that Hillary was a lesbian. I wrote: “Shortly after the Clintons entered the […]

Obama Officially Accuses Russia of Hacking the Election

October 8, 2016

Everything I have been getting from BEHIND THE CURTAIN seems to be spot on. The overall plan is to deny Trump a victory if there is a record surge of voters and Wikileaks promises new releases every week until the election. Plan B is to call the election a FRAUD and deny Trump to take […]

Market Talk – October 7, 2016

October 7, 2016

Asian markets were marginally better on the back of oil but were awaiting the all important US jobs report after a sleepy opening until the FX market woke everyone up. A “fat-finger trade” as many were reporting it (implying a trader input the wrong price and/or quantity) saw GBP trade down to 1.1378 in seconds only […]

Central Banks Continue to Sell Dollars to no Avail

October 7, 2016

The capital flows into the dollar are rather staggering. Central banks continue to try to sell the dollar to keep their currencies afloat. China’s foreign-exchange reserves are most notable in the fight against a rising dollar. China’s foreign-exchange reserves declined again in September, and they try to support the yuan and the Fed clearly cannot stop […]

Pound Sterling Collapses

October 7, 2016

COMMENT: Marty; Your forecast at the last WEC that the pound would break the 1985 low seemed extreme. I have to say as I watch it this morning, your computer picks every trend around the world with remarkable precision. You are providing a unbelievable learning lesson teaching us how the world really works. I understand why […]

Russia Warns Obama – Smell of War is in the Wind

October 7, 2016

Russia WARNS Obama not to attack Syrian forces. It is clear that the Obama Administration is desperate to continue its nation building policy and is determined to overthrow the Syrian government with absolutely no alternative as they did in Iraq and screwed up the entire region. It appears the US military is on a fast […]

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