All posts in "News"

More than Just Buy or Sell – The World Beyond

July 21, 2016

Visiting the Jail Cell Where Socrates Died COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Just spent the night in the ER with one of my kids. Waited hours for the results of the CT head scan. Thankfully, my daughter is fine. Had lots of time to think though. I have been following your blog for years, although I am […]


July 21, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Comey kept you in prison without any charges under the pretense of contempt. Then he supported a lifetime gag order on you to prevent you from ever helping the Japanese against HSBC, which is notorious for laundering money. Well Comey was also a board member of HSBC whose clients also contributed more […]

Is Front Running Now a Crime?

July 21, 2016

The US Department of Justice has arrested Mark Johnson, who was the global head of foreign exchange trading at HSBC, and a former colleague, Stuart Scott. The two traders were accused by the US government of using inside information to profit from a $3.5bn currency deal. Of course, inside trading only is a crime in […]

Obama on Baton Rouge

July 20, 2016

The deliberate killing of police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana has been the subject of much propaganda. President Obama did not address what is obvious to everyone and tried to cover up the root cause behind this new wave of violence. “There is no justification for violence against law enforcement. None.” Obama said. “These attacks are the […]

Turkey – Failed Coup – Real or Fake?

July 20, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have been warning that we are in an upward trend now for civil unrest which includes coups to revolutions as distinguished from a foreign war or invader. At the Berlin cocktail party last year you said Turkey was a risk for the risk in civil war. You said it should begin […]

Republicans Try to Sabotage Trump By Handing His Wife a Bad Speech to Read

July 20, 2016

Everyone knows these people just read whatever they are handed from the teleprompter. Trump himself has been more rouge when it comes to that. It seems that the Republicans took their shot and tried to make his wife look really bad by handing her a script that was obviously plagiarized from a speech Michelle Obama […]

Market Talk — July 19, 2016

July 19, 2016

Some say the Nikkei is close to ending its bull run after seeing some impressive gains recently. However, after the long weekend we have seen yet another 1%+ gain, but that has yet to halt dealers still trying to call the top. A better performance than its peers as Shanghai and Hang Seng returned loses […]

Denmark First to Prosecute Refugee for Rape

July 19, 2016

The horror of refugees getting away with raping European girls because politicians do not want to admit what they have done is just insane. However, this self-serving police is starting to give way. A 24-year-old refugee asylum seeker from Iran, not Syria, made an initial court appearance on Monday to face charges of having raped a […]

European Bonds – The Hedge Against the Euro Collapse?

July 19, 2016

(Note: The blue labels mark the change in the issues we used to create this perpetual index for long bonds) Germany sold 10-year debt at a negative yield on Wednesday of last week, becoming the first Eurozone nation to do so and setting a further milestone in the relentless fall of government bond yields around […]

European Economic & Refugee Crisis

July 19, 2016

Angela Merkel has finally admitted that she essentially invited terrorists into Germany, and thus to Europe, in the obvious wake of the Nice attack. Besides security, this will have a major impact upon the economy of Europe as tourists are frightened away. Even prior to the Nice attack, the US State Department put out a travel alert for Americans […]

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