All posts in "News"

Market Talk – August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016

The Asian cash markets just could not wait to open this morning after the huge Payrolls number on Friday. Admittedly, it took a little time and a better than expected Trade Surplus number (52.31 v’s and estimated 47.6) for the Shanghai market to join the excitement, but they eventually did to close +0.9% firmer. The […]

Public Sectors are Devouering the Private Sector

August 8, 2016

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I understand your general message and totally agree with it. I now see the big picture in a systematic trend and everything moving in the direction Socrates has forecast. I do have a few questions though. Can we call the trend: the public sectors trend to swallow the private sector? In other words, […]

The Mechanism Behind the Rise & Fall of Nations

August 8, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I recently read a book which claims that the disparity of wealth among nations is something recently unfolding post-Columbus. The thesis claims that before 1500, the income differences between nations were small. It proposes that only since the discovery of America, the interplay between geography, globalization, technological change, and economic policy has determined […]

Have I Ever Been Wrong?

August 8, 2016

  QUESTION: Have you ever been wrong? HS ANSWER: Since I am human, the obvious answer must be YES! I have stood up and explained at conferences how I made a bunch of money when I was 13 in the metals/coin market. My father thought I was too much of a speculator and told me I should […]

Collectibles Still Going Strong

August 7, 2016

A Wayne Gretzky rookie card sold for a record $465,000. He is known as the “Great One” and retired as an NHL player in 1999. This shows that the collector’s market seems to be doing well. Bill Gross, who now co-manages the Janus Global Unconstrained Bond Fund, sold a portion of his stamp collection for $4.5 million. […]

If Everyone Followed Socrates Would Anything Change?

August 6, 2016

QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong. Some years back, I asked what would happen if everyone knew about the ECM. You provided an answer on your blog. Now, that the trader version of Socrates is soon to be made available for the public…: What happens to the trading community (market makers / service providers / traders) when you (through […]

Dow Summary for the Close of the Week

August 5, 2016

The bulk of the people remain bearish yet always call for a major crash. All I can say is that the patterns are not anything like what these people as saying that a 9-day straight decline is always followed by a crash. The market is by no means over bought or in some dangerous extended […]

Refugees Set Bus on Fire in Paris

August 5, 2016 The refugee crisis in Europe is just exploding from killing priests during a mass to raping girls in swimming pools. In Paris, a bus was stopped by a makeshift barricade and then set on fire by a group of young men shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” The young men constructed a barricade in the middle of the road […]

Perception of Global Corruption Rising

August 5, 2016

Awareness of government corruption is rising on a global scale. This is all part of the private wave that peaks in 2032.95. We are experiencing the complete craziness of a collapsing government. Hillary Clinton is the classic example. Compared to Richard Nixon, who had to deal with 18.5 minutes of recorded conversations that were allegedly […]

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