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Market Talk- March 27, 2017

March 27, 2017

The result of the pulled Healthcare vote late on Friday trading was a weak Asian open, with many concerned this may be the beginning of US Dollar weakness. The market saw this as a defeat for President Trump and begins to question the extent to which he will have liberty and support to pursue his […]

Tax Revolt in Belarus Turning to Mass Arrests

March 27, 2017

For weeks now, thousands of people have gone public in Belarus to protest against a special tax for “little workers” and demanded the resignation of Aleksandr Grigoryevich Lukashenko who has been the autocratic President of Belarus, in office since July 20th, 1994. Lukashenko issued a decree that people who work less than six months a year have […]

NATO Troops moved from Germany to Poland on Weekend

March 27, 2017

Soldiers were moved over the weekend from the Garrison at Vilseck and were stationed at Orzysz in Poland close to the border with Belarus. This was a NATO unit consisting of units from the USA, Great Britain and Romania. With tensions building between Belarus and Russia, this particular troop reassignment is interesting to say the […]

Macedonia Reject Soros & the EU Socialism

March 27, 2017

For 26-days straight, thousands of people have taken to the streets in order to send the message to Soros and European leaders that the people of Macedonia are a sovereign nation who utterly reject the left-wing agenda to divide the nation and bring a socialist-Muslim coalition to power. Johannes Hahn is an Austrian politician, who since November […]

Obamacare Survives thanks to Corruption as Usual

March 26, 2017

COMMENT: With all the talk of the failed healthcare bill, do people not realize the medical and pharma are the biggest lobbyist to Washington? That’s why Ryan didn’t pass the bill. N REPLY: The media will never expose reality. I believe the only way to fix all this mess is to repeal Obamacare in its entirety. Mandate […]

The Media Has Always Been Biased?

March 26, 2017

COMMENT: Marty; I managed to get a copy of your Greatest Bull Market in History at an auction. You do know they bring $3,000+ I presume? But what stunned me in there is that you wrote how the Wall Street Journal falsely accused Jesse Livermore of trying to influence the presidential election by saying the […]

The Financial Crisis 1992-1993

March 26, 2017

QUESTION: Marty, it is well known here in Britain that you advised Thatcher of course, but it was John Major you advised and even wrote what he said during the pound crisis and the Soros attack. Would you ever like to comment on that in public about what really happened during that crisis. The press will […]

Does it Matter If You Are Born Outside USA to be President?

March 25, 2017

QUESTION: You said McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and that raised the same question as Obama. In your legal view, was Obama qualified to be president or not? ANSWER: The Constitution does NOT say that someone must be born on US soil. It merely requires naturally born to be an American. “No […]

Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force

March 25, 2017

COMMENT: Mr., Armstrong, your solution video is splendid. What you say about government only interested in a crisis and not preventing anything makes perfect sense. I believe it was George Washington who said: “Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force” Thank you for standing your ground. FH ANSWER: I do […]

Market Talk- March 24th, 2017

March 24, 2017

Most core Asian markets recorded positive returns today and even saw the JPY trade back above the 111 level. Banking and Consumers were the leaders in the pack with the obvious losers being Healthcare stocks affected even in Asia by the US postponed insurance bill vote.  Shanghai and Hang Seng both had little change even after the late US […]

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