All posts in " AI "

The Great Misconception of AI

March 20, 2024

AI is a hot topic for regulators. Regulators and most companies that offer purported AI are clueless about what constitutes actual AI. Way too many charlatans are out there calling a simple trend-following program AI. They create some rules, and the program just follows what they created. That is NOT Artificial Intelligence. The SEC is […]

Unmanned Aircrafts Will Fight the Next World War

September 8, 2023

Tactical UAVs | Kratos The US Air Force received their request by Congress to spend $5.8 billion on construction up to 2,000 unmanned aircrafts. These AI drones can operate autonomously without human interference. This means that the decision to decimate masses will not be up to human judgement. The Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) program has […]

How Does ChatGPT Differ From Socrates?

April 3, 2023

(click on the image to view or keep reading for the computer’s response) How Does ChatGPT Differ From Socrates? A reader asked ChatGPT this exact question, and here is the response: As an AI language model, I differ from the Socrates Platform in several ways. Firstly, the Socrates Platform is a web-based platform developed by […]

AI Surveillance Defiant Clothing

March 10, 2023

Fashion trends change to reflect new societal norms and self-expression. Today’s societal norm is constant government spying and mass data collection under the premise that we are all criminals who may defy our failing governments. One may first think of China and its vast array of CCTV cameras that are analyzed by Artificial Intelligence software […]

AI & the Future

June 15, 2022

Klaus Schwab’s view of the future and Artificial Intelligence is seriously flawed. He argues that the fusing of the political, physical, digital, and biological worlds will have a transformative impact on every facet of human existence. He insists that this will range from the way we live our lives, the manner in which we will […]

Why Has IBM’s Watson Failed?

January 22, 2020

QUESTION: Marty; Socrates has done a fantastic job in picking turning points, rallies, projections for resistance, so many things. Yet IBM’s Watson was supposed to blow everything out of the water and find the cure for cancer and it has failed miserably. What did you do that IBM did not? Also, the rumor is that […]

Replacing Judges with AI

November 22, 2019

The corruption in the Rule of Law is the #1 cause of the decline and fall of nations. One major step would be to replace judges with AI. Lawyers already use AI to research legal positions that junior staff once did. It is only a matter of time before courts can be replaced with AI, […]

Artificial Intelligence v Sophisticated Analytics

November 21, 2019

QUESTION: Socrates vs Aladdin I would like to start by saying thank you for all the knowledge in an altruist way you provide to the world. Reading your blog is part of my daily activities for years now. And what i difference it has made in opening my mind. I would like if you could […]

Can AI Think?

September 10, 2019

QUESTION: In George Gilder’s book “Life after Google” he states: “AI cannot compete with the human intelligence that connects symbols and objects. AI cannot do without the human minds that provide it with symbols systems and language; programs it; structures the information it absorbs in training, whether word patterns or pixels; provides and formulates the […]

Computer v Influence

September 5, 2019

QUESTION: Do you think that Cambridge Analytica actually had any influence in creating BREXIT given the controversy that they were hired but then not? Can such influence actually change elections? DK ANSWER: As Nigel Farage noted at our Rome WEC in early 2019, our computer forecast BREXIT when nobody else did. Our computer does not […]

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