All posts in " Civil Unrest "

Protests from USA to Russia

March 28, 2017

Civil Unrest is rising around the world. In the USA, demonstrations have been organized to support Donald Trump in a counter-demonstration move against the Obama/Soros uprising. In Los Angeles, Trump supporters were confronted by opponents of Trump and the two groups ended in violence. The Obama/Soros supporters were partially traditionally masked. The Trump supporters were trying […]

Tax Revolt in Belarus Turning to Mass Arrests

March 27, 2017

For weeks now, thousands of people have gone public in Belarus to protest against a special tax for “little workers” and demanded the resignation of Aleksandr Grigoryevich Lukashenko who has been the autocratic President of Belarus, in office since July 20th, 1994. Lukashenko issued a decree that people who work less than six months a year have […]

Ukrainian Revolution Continues

March 7, 2017

Many people have claimed that the Ukrainian Revolution was all orchestrated by the CIA. That claim comes from the conspiracy side of people who comment without any direct knowledge. I have had many friends there. One had the courage to go up to a Russian solider and thank them for protecting them and they allowed […]

Another Coup Building in Turkey?

March 7, 2017

Our sources in Turkey are hinting that there is building the resentment against Erdogan and he knows that there is trouble in the wind. Erdogan is desperate to blame the West and find an enemy to point the finger at for all the problems he has caused including the collapse in the currency. Erdogan is now […]

The Woman’s March

February 23, 2017

QUESTION: Didn’t Madonna advocate blowing up the White House? You haven’t commented on that. ANSWER: While Madonna’s speech at the Woman’s March has been touted that she advocated blowing up the White House, that was a bit exaggerated and taken out of context. She said: “Yes I am angry. Yes I am outraged. Yes I have […]

Advocating the overthrow of Government is a Crime

February 22, 2017

The comedian Sarah Silverman, who spoke at the DNC National Convention for Hillary, tweeted that her 10 million followers should “wake up & join the resistance” to President Donald Trump. She said: “Once the military is w/us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye.”  Silverman should be criminally indicted for that. […]

Democrats in Civil War Against Obama’s OFA?

February 21, 2017

Of course the brainwashed Democrats send in emails saying Obama is not behind the shenanigans of civil unrest. They just prefer to blame everyone but themselves and live in their little bubble world. They are totally unaware that the Democrats are themselves experiencing an internal civil war and it is the state level Democrats that […]

Riots Are Now A Contagion & Spread to Sweden

February 21, 2017

The riots in France against police have now spread becoming a contagion of civil unrest in Europe as youth attack police now in Stockholm’s Rinkeby district. Groups of  youths have set fire to several cars and plundered businesses as well. It seems we are looking at the idea that never let a good riot go to waste […]

Civil Unrest Tears France Apart

February 20, 2017

The civil unrest in France which began in Paris has led to riots in some parts of the capital that spilled over spreading across France as vigilantes stage running battles with police in protest of the rape of a young black man. Chaos erupted after it emerged police anally raped a young black man named […]

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