All posts in " Civil Unrest "

Don’t Blame the Rich

January 2, 2017

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Not everyone hates the rich, for without them the lower class would have nothing. What people are angry about are the disgusting bonuses to bankers after they failed everyone whilst hard working people with small businesses were the ones robbed and still being robbed via taxation. Some wealthy people deserve what they […]

What Type of Government Should We Strive For?

December 28, 2016

Some ask why I only criticize the left and not the right. As the Guardian wrote, the left is on the rise. There are 50 shades between left and right. If we are talking about the 1%, that is really small business, for that begins at $250,000 annual income. Everyone confuses the 1% with the “super-rich” who are […]

“From Under the Rubble” – The Battle Against the Left for Humanity

December 28, 2016

Anyone who questions that this is a battle to the death should read “From Under the Rubble.” Alexander Solzhenitsyn and six dissident colleagues, Mikhail Agursky, Evgeny Barabanov, Vadim Borisov, F. Korsakov, A.B., and Igor Shafarevich, risked their lives to write this book while they were still living in the USSR. These brave men joined in the […]

So What’s All the Protests Against Trump?

December 26, 2016

A gay lawyer, Dan Goldstein from Brooklyn, who had a child in his arms, outright abused everyone and Ivanka Trump with her husband and children when they were flying in coach on JetBlue from JFK. However one hour before that INCIDENT, Matthew Lasner, Goldstein’s gay wife, wrote on Twitter: “Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying […]

The Future is Not as Dark As it Seems

December 24, 2016

I took this picture at the beach. At first glance, it is hard to tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset. For the record, it was a sunrise – the dawn of a new day. What we face can be disastrous but it also can be the dawn of a new era. Government […]

The Real Story at Hampshire College

December 21, 2016

Chicago is where they dragged a man out of his car and beat him because he voted for Trump. Well, what’s going on at Hampshire certainly also gives us some pause. According to reliable sources there are some really serious issues brewing at this college. A group of Hampshire students took down the American flag on […]

How Professors are Engaging in Undermining the Country in Colleges

December 17, 2016

A student in California videoed what his professor was saying in class and how they are trying to create a revolution. He actually said that the people who voted for Trump were engaging in an act of TERRORISM because the socialist lost. He went on to say that the nation is divided as it was […]

Hatred of the Left Continues to Set Stage for Revolution

December 15, 2016

The hypocrisy of the left continues to brew and set the stage for the break-up of the United States. The left is always the most dangerous throughout history and the most intolerant of all groups. They simply do not allow for disagreement. Trump said if Hillary won he would “absolutely support her” which makes […]

The Cycle of Assassination & War Bottomed in 2014

December 14, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you previously wrote that if Trump were elected he might be assassinated. Do you still see that as a potential? ANSWER: Absolutely. There is an 11-year average cycle for attempts to assassinate the president. Here is the list below: The assassination cycle actually bottomed in 2014 with the Cycle of War. This means we […]

Is CIA Trying to Cover Its Own Hack or Accommodating Obama?

December 13, 2016

Obama’s parting shot across the bow is his order of a full review into hacking aimed at influencing US elections going back to 2008. Instead of targeting the CIA or the NSA, WikiLeaks has gone after an organization Democrats actually care about — the Democratic National Committee and exposed its internal corruption. If Obama could, […]

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