All posts in " Civil Unrest "

How Could a Deceased FBI Agent Try to Kill Trump?

August 5, 2016

  There is a story running that deceased Special Agent Barry Lee Bush, who was shot and killed on April 5, 2007, was arrested for breaching the Trump Tower with the intent to assassinate Trump. This story is by no means true. The real story is that retired NYPD officer Anthony Shark was charged with assaulting Secret Service agents. […]

Weapons Stolen from US Military Base in Germany

August 1, 2016

The armory at the U.S. base at Stuttgart, Germany, was broken into and a weapons cache was stolen. The U.S. Army has begun a criminal investigation, but they are declining to publicly state what was stolen or even how many weapons were stolen. It appears that the people involved are unknown, but may be linked to […]

Obama on Baton Rouge

July 20, 2016

The deliberate killing of police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana has been the subject of much propaganda. President Obama did not address what is obvious to everyone and tried to cover up the root cause behind this new wave of violence. “There is no justification for violence against law enforcement. None.” Obama said. “These attacks are the […]

Nice Terror Attack Threatens European Uprising

July 15, 2016

Just the other day, Patrick Calvar, head of the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI), France’s equivalent of MI5 or the CIA, warned that in the aftermath of last year’s terrorist attacks on Paris, any further Islamic attacks might lead to a new French civil war. The total French population is 63.9 million people of which almost 10% […]

Civil Unrest Explodes in Berlin: Over 3500 People Riot Against Police

July 11, 2016

Civil unrest is exploding. The biggest and most violent protest in Germany erupted in Berlin over the weekend, exactly with our models calling for an explosion in civil unrest. Some 1800 police were called in and at least 120 policemen were injured in what became a street battle. This has been the most aggressive and violent […]

US Government Preparing for Massive Civil Unrest

July 8, 2016

The Federal government is arming every agency from the IRS to the State Department for domestic purposes. This is clearly a response to what they know is coming. There is no question that they are preparing for an uprising. They know that socialism is collapsing. Rather than reform the political economy, they are digging in […]

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