All posts in " Climate "

Solar Minimum The Fastest Decline in almost 10,000 Years

January 3, 2018

  QUESTION: Hi Marty ! Happy new year! Not written in a while, but wanted to ask a private question related to the forthcoming cold period. a) How long will it last? (It will start now and go into 2024 – when does Socrates say it will start to reverse and when will temperatures be […]

The Coldest New Year – Ever?

January 1, 2018

  NASA’s photo of the Blizzard of 2018 shows just how cold this season is turning into. I have made it clear I moved from New Jersey to Florida trying to get closer to REAL Global Warming. Our computer, which correlates absolutely everything in all fields, forecast that this would be the coldest winter many […]

Public Library of Science Published No Evidence of Global Warming Caused by Humans

December 31, 2017

Even the renown Public Library of Science (PLOS) Organization has stated plainly there is no evidence of Global Warming caused by human activity. “[O]nly 18% of the stations showed increases in water temperature that would be expected from global warming, partially reflecting the limits in detecting trends due to inherent natural variability of temperature data. […]

2017/2018 the Coldest New Year Ever?

December 31, 2017

This may end up as the coldest New Year on RECORD! Bitterly cold temperatures across the Midwest and Northeast and up to FIVE FEET of snow appears ready to set 2018 celebrations on ice. Where is Global Warming when we really need it?

Western Pennsylvania Buried more than 5ft of Snow

December 28, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why the h–l does not the world listen to you. I am in Erie, Pa. We have more than 60 inches of snow without drifts. The drift on my front door is more than 8 feet. I bought extra canned food for this winter based on your forecast. I told my wife better […]

The Coldest Winter 2017/2018

December 21, 2017

  QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; You said this year your computer is forecasting the coldest winter in a long time. I assume this is cyclical. Is this due to the sun diming? KE ANSWER: Yes, that is part of it. We look at correlations and what lines up with that is also a disruption in the […]

Cold Wave Hits Thailand

December 20, 2017

Our staff in Thailand are reporting – “It’s Cold!” They are wearing coats in a place that is normally 30c (86f). Weather will continue to get strange in a lot of places around the globe. The decline in the energy output of the sun is extremely rapid and far more than anyone expected this quickly […]

The Sun is Cooling Faster than Anyone Suspected

December 20, 2017

  The danger from the Global Warming crowd is that they are misleading the entire world and preventing us from what is dangerously unfolding that sparks the rapid decline in civilization – GLOBAL COOLING. I previously warned that this is not my opinion, but simply our computer. If it were really conscious it would be […]

Federal Reserve is Responsible for Global Warming

December 13, 2017

COMMENT: Marty,   I was looking at the Global Warming Chart, at the red line and saying to myself, “That look awfully familiar.” Then I got it.   Note how the red line drops down from 1907 to almost 1913, gets a WWI bump and then rises steadily to about 1938. Then it really goes […]

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