All posts in " Corruption "

Russia Demands Evidence to Support US Attack on Syria

April 10, 2017

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov telephoned Rex Tillerson concerning the attack on Syria. The minister had told Tillerson that allegations that the Syrian military had used chemical weapons in the so-called “poison gas incident” lacked any proof whatsoever. Lavrov and Tillerson had agreed to personally continue the talks on Syria, because it is increasingly looking […]

Did Trump Surrender to Deep State or is this a Civil War?

April 10, 2017

There is a civil war going inside the White House. There is the Steve Bannon clash with the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who’s taken on an increasingly prominent portfolio in the West Wing. Bannon has complained that Kushner and his allies are trying to undermine his populist approach and institutionalize Trump. I was concerned about […]

Censorship – Trying to Cover Up the Truth

April 7, 2017

QUESTION: I have concluded that you are the most censored analyst perhaps in history and they always said you were the guy who knew too much. I even read that in a new book entitled, Occupied, mentioning you. The fact you are being censored proves what you have to say is the real thing and someone […]

How to Fix Gov’t in 30 days or less & Why do Smart People Avoid Gov’t

April 4, 2017

QUESTION:  You once said you could fix the mess in 30 days or less but they would assassinate you. How can you ever make our politicians responsible? My second question is, why are the really smart people not running government? KW ANSWER: The term limits are mandatory, but you have to cut off the incentive […]

Obamagate = the new Watergate? Confidence in Gov’t & Press to Decline further

April 4, 2017

Things are going to get interesting. Of course mainstream media will say this brewing scandal is fake news. Nevertheless, my sources have been talking about this for months now. The Daily Caller now is reporting that former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova is talking saying that Susan Rice ordered the spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of all […]

Government’s Seizing Money Using Drug Law but 4 out of 5 Are Never Charged with a Crime

April 4, 2017

Civil forfeiture in the United States has been a controversial legal process in which law enforcement officers take assets from persons suspected of involvement with crime or illegal activity without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing. The new March 29th, 2017 Department of Justice’s Inspector General just issued a report and has stated that since 2007, the […]

Obama’s Administration Spied on Trump PERIOD?

April 4, 2017

As evidence exposes that the Obama White House was spying on Trump, mainstream media is desperate to cover this up, but most importantly, this is feeding into the forecast of our model that we are looking and the decline and fall. Government is simply not trustworthy and as we see this affair will prove legally […]

Politicians – Courts – The Corruption of the Rule of Law in 1760s

April 3, 2017

William Tryon (1729-1788) was the Governor of North Carolina from 1765 to 1771 and the Province of New York from 1771 to 1780.  He is best known in North Carolina for his suppression of the Regulator Movement, which some see as a precursor of the American Revolution.  The Regulators were rebelling against increased taxes by […]

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