All posts in " Corruption "

Allegations that Jarrett was Behind Covert Opps to Spy on Trump

March 6, 2017

I have been hearing about the Obama Administration wiretapping and trying desperately to uncover links of Trump and Puttin without success for months. The rumor mill alleges that this was a Valerie Jarrett operation that was directed from the White House. The Obama officials are not denying the covert operation, but are trying to paint it as […]

The Left is Intentionally Creating a Coordinated Revolution

February 19, 2017

The left is intentionally fighting to remain relevant. I have written before how there is a global coordination among the left to rule the world and I am NOT one of those people who spout out conspiracy theories. This is no BS and certainly no joke or made up fiction. I was in London when […]

Obama is the Source of the Coup

February 19, 2017

QUESTION: Do you think the leaks are a soft coup? HF ANSWER: The Obama administration intentionally set the stage knowing what they were doing was designed to undermine and cripple the Trump Administration. The sanctions on Putin were also intended to prevent Trump from reversing the tension created by Obama to create an international conflict. […]

Warren the American Indian Minority?

February 6, 2017

QUESTION: Marty; How can Elizabeth Warren yell and scream at anyone in business when she herself lied and claimed to be part American Indian? Not even the Washington Post would back her up on that claim. She is just an insane socialist who does not even understand Wall Street. ANSWER: Trump called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” […]

Whistle-blower From NOAA Blows Open Global Warming Conspiracy

February 6, 2017

A whistle-blower, Dr John Bates, who was a top NOAA scientist, has has come forward with hard evidence that the paper rushed out by the NOAA to influence the Paris Global Warming Conference was intended to be misleading using faked evidence. The scientists hired by the UN reported that there was indeed a ‘pause’ or […]

Deep State Told Obama to Prevent Trump from Ending Cold War with Russia

January 23, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why do you defend Russia when they obviously tried to influence the election to defeat Hillary? You seem to be biased on this issue. Let me see you answer this one. ANSWER: You must enjoy just accepting whatever the media feeds you. The Obama Administration has deliberately created a cold war with Russia […]

Trump Goes to Work First Night

January 23, 2017

President Donald Trump on his very first night on Friday signed an executive order aimed at fulfilling one of his top campaign promises: Rolling back Obamacare. The multi-part executive order stated that the administration’s official policy is “to seek the prompt repeal” of the Affordable Care Act. The first regulation is the requirement that Americans either have […]

Pharmaceutical Corruption

January 18, 2017

Here is the latest example of corrupt politicians voting in favor of their own self-interests. Bernie Sanders may be a bit fanatical, yet he has been trying to push a bill through to allow Canada and other countries to import prescription drugs to the U.S., which would significantly decrease the price that consumers have to […]

Soros Should be Banned from Hungary

January 17, 2017

I still believe that George Soros is extremely dangerous with his ideas of Open Society. Hungary’s vice chairman of the ruling Fidesz party, Szilard Nemeth said that all operations funded by Soros and his Open Society Foundation should be banned from operating in Hungary. Nemeth said at a news conference that Soros and his operations were “pushing […]

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