All posts in " Corruption "

Freedom of Movement – Four Aspects Under Assault

December 7, 2016

We tend to assume that the freedom of movement is confined solely to migration and travel. There are four aspects to the freedom of movement, and migration or travel is only one. Yes, we warned that the Schengen Agreement would come to an end and the European refugee crisis has enabled that decline. We warned that this agreement, […]

Corruption within Corruption

December 7, 2016

We are all plagued by the abuse of these red-light cameras that just rack up money for companies and governments. The former chief executive of Chicago’s first red-light camera vendor was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and over $2 million in restitution for paying bribes to a city official to help procure the […]

Propaganda – How Bad American Press Has Become

December 3, 2016

The release of Newsweek’s now famous Madam President before the election was decided is a mistake that is not intentional. “Dewey Defeats Truman” was another major mistake when the Chicago Daily Tribune on November 3, 1948, announced Truman lost to Dewey. The paper became famous when it was held up by Truman at a public appearance […]

Venezuelan Hyperinflation

November 30, 2016

The Venezuelean hyperinflation is the direct result of what happens when the general population loses all confidence in the government. The current hyperinflation is reminiscent of Germany’s hyperinflation following World War I, which was also the result of a Communist Revolution and the overthrow of the government giving birth to the Weimar Republic.  Venezuela’s currency […]

BBC Caught Fabricating News to Start a War

November 29, 2016

The press has been routinely creating fake news reports to start a war. This is a serious issue for the press is conspiring against the people to create war, sell climate change, and rig elections. This is by no means something new. They taught me in high school history class about how the press started the […]

Washington Post Keeping Up Propaganda

November 28, 2016

The Washington Post was once respected for this is where Woodward & Berstein broke the story of Watergate that took down Richard Nixon. But their endorsement of Hillary was way over the top: “The Democratic nominee is not the lesser of two evils. She is a choice Americans can be proud of.” (Adriana Usero, Julio […]

Jill Stein Getting Rich Off of Exploiting The Election

November 26, 2016

The Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein officially handed in a petition Friday asking election officials in the battleground state of Wisconsin to perform a recount of its general election results, the state confirmed. She is trying to stop Trump before the Electoral College votes. Clinton has not joined her because there was not enough claims […]

Foreign Governments Cutting off Funding for Hillary

November 23, 2016

Hillary supporters claimed that the Clinton Foundation was an innocent, “charitable” organization. On his proposed first day to “Drain the Swamp,” Trump will impose a LIFETIME BAN ON LOBBYING FOR FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. Numerous foreign governments handed money to the Clintons purely for “influence.” The corruption with Norway’s link to the Clinton Foundation extended to Obama. This […]

New York Times Partly Responsible for the Violence

November 22, 2016

  New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has admitted that his paper was unconstitutionally biased and disgraced the very principle of the First Amendment. Sulzberger tries to cover-up their bias by saying they underestimated Donald Trump’s support among American voters. He then claimed they would “rededicate ourselves” to the newspaper’s standards of “honestly” reporting news. […]

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