All posts in " European Union "

Banks Tell Employees to Vote Remain – Meaning A Vote to Leave Must Be Best

June 23, 2016

A record 46.5 million voters have signed up to weigh in on today’s referendum, which brings up one, single question: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?” With the establishment opposed to BREXIT and the banks telling their employees to vote “No” to remain in the EU, […]

BREXIT Vote Today

June 23, 2016

Today is the BREXIT vote. It is interesting that Americans are at least starting to focus on it. What is at stake is the fate of Europe. The new EU government structure was deliberately designed to prevent any possible vote of the people from altering the plans of the elite. The calls for Britain to […]

EU Wants to Charge Social Security Taxes on Robots As If They Were People

June 23, 2016

Japan’s Toshiba 6502.T robot has taken on human form and visitors to the world’s biggest travel show in March were greeted by a lifelike robot. Under new proposed European legislation that is clearly intended to stop technology advancement, the growing army of robot workers are to be classed as “electronic persons” and their owners would then be liable […]

The EU is Nothing Without Britain

June 23, 2016

Cameron’s lies that Britain will suffer if they leave the EU are rather astonishing. The EU has the most to lose on so many fronts and it is rather alarming that the press does not tell the truth. Forget the imports/exports that are just under half of the trade between the two. Trading would never stop […]

BREXIT is Only “Advisory” & Cameron Can Still Ignore the People

June 23, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; If BREXIT wins here since everyone I speak to seems to want to vote out rather than stay in, what would really happen? ANSWER: Assuming the politicians actually honor the vote, which is a very big IF, you are looking at, at least a two-year process. But it is important to understand […]

Comment From France – Pending Rise in French Political Chaos

June 22, 2016

COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, Well, now it’s official : the french government has banned a massive trade unions demonstration that was supposed to take place tomorrow in Paris. So a socialist government did what has never taking place since 1962, during the Algerian War. It is very significant because it’s a left leaning government that […]

BREXIT – Unexpected Consequences

June 22, 2016

The BREXIT vote is the result of a promise by British Prime Minister David Cameron made back in 2013 when he was besieged by the increasingly assertive anti-European Union wing of his own Conservative Party. To placate the rebellion brewing against the loss of sovereignty to Brussels, Cameron made a promise that he intended only […]

The EU is Determined to Ensure BREXIT Will Not Succeed

June 21, 2016

Another case of fraudulent voting to save the EU has occurred in the Austrian election. The Austrian Constitutional Court has revealed outrageous “errors” to the point that votes were simply regarded as non-binding recommendations. The investigations continue, but this reflects the desperate attempt to save Brussels at the expense of all of Europe. Allowing the people to vote […]

The Father of the European Union – The Real Mover & Shaker Behind the Curtain

June 20, 2016

Most people have never heard of the real man behind the curtain who inspired the whole idea of the European Union, probably because his books are only in German. They certainly do not realize that his idea was to stop the inbreeding within Europe by mixing people and races to create the United States of […]

Assassination & the Conspiracy Theory to Prevent BREXIT Vote

June 20, 2016

  There is disturbing opinion circulating that Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. Of course, […]

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