All posts in " Germany "

The Consequence of War that Led to the German Hyperinflation

April 23, 2019

QUESTION: Everyone has a chart of the German DAX postwar. I have never seen a chart of the German stock market before the war. Do you have any? HVS ANSWER: Yes. However, you must understand that because the world was on a gold standard, the arbitrage volatility was reflected in the bond and share markets […]

Changing Laws Rather than Attacking the Corruption in Berlin

April 19, 2019

COMMENT: Germany to Decide if It Can Nationalize Private Property. The difference between National Socialism (NS/NAZI) and International Socialism (INS) exactly are five letters and their definition according to that they do is pretty the same. But don´t worry about international investors. They got the real estate really cheap along with some gifts to the […]

Germany to Decide if It Can Nationalize Private Property

April 12, 2019

There has been a real crisis evolving in Berlin. When the Wall came crashing down, East Germany regarded that it owned all the property and thus sold vast tracts of apartments to major investors. Now 20 years later, the socialists are claiming this is not fair and the government should either buy the property back […]

German Economy Turning Down Hard into 2020

April 6, 2019

The German economy is what holds up Europe. The data on the industrial sector in Germany is out and it has disappointed everyone once again with production dropping 0.8% month-on-month in January 2019. January’s contraction was driven by a steep drop in capital goods output and a fall in intermediate goods production. However, consumer goods […]

Will Russia’s Economy Exceed Germany’s Anytime Soon?

February 7, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Standard Chartered has forecast that Russia will overtake Germany as the world’s fifth largest economy, possibly as early as next year in 2020. Would you care to comment if that is possible? GP ANSWER: It is clear that Russia’s economy is not impacted by the stupid US sanctions for going into Ukraine. Historically, […]

Merkel & Macron Signing Treaty to Create a European Army

January 24, 2019

Merkel and Macron, two politicians who cannot muster even a majority of their people for support, signed a Franco-German friendship treaty which has allowed them to boast that this is the first step to creating a European Army. There is a mad rush behind the curtain to create a European Army, not to protect Europe […]

Germany Slips into Recession Following the Economic Confidence Model

January 10, 2019

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your ECM has been amazingly accurate. Not only did real estate peak, but it is now official, Germany is in a recession. Great job HW REPLY: There is an accurate business cycle that unfolds but you must step back and observe it from a global perspective. The Economic Confidence Model has a […]

German Hyperinflation & the Dawes Plan

December 26, 2018

The German Hyperinflation was by NO MEANS about inflation created by an increase in the money supply under the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM). Today, Angela Merkel has forcefully imposed Austerity upon the whole of Europe because she really does not understand what even caused the hyperinflation. It was at the Palace of Versailles outside […]

German Yields Decline for Lack of Confidence or Expectation of Lower Rates at the Fed?

December 13, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you agree with Bloomberg that the yield on German bunds has declined in anticipation of the Fed lowering rates? JV ANSWER: No  The falling yields on German government debt is simply intensifying the trade to buy German and short everything in the South in anticipation of a failed Euro. Also, there has […]

Germany’ Most Beautiful Policewoman

December 8, 2018

One of the clear cultural differences between Europe and the United States is that they even have the “hottest” female police officer – Adrienne Koleszar. That is something they just would not do in the United States. We hold Senate hearings because Janet Jackson’s breast popped out on TV at the Super Bowl. It is interesting […]

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