All posts in " Nature "

Hawaii Volcano – Right of Schedule?

May 18, 2018

(Download USGS Report on Hawaii) COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I think you have proven time and again that there is a cyclical nature to everything. You said in the report you did on volcanos last year that 2018 would be the beginning of serious eruptions. Well, I live here on the main island in Hawaii. This is […]

The Complexity & Fractal Nature of Nature

May 15, 2018

They have recently confirmed that not merely are the Milankovitch Cycles correct, but there is a fractal nature to everything as well as a cycle that sits on top of everything so far. They have determined that there is an approximate 405,000-year cycle in the shape of the Earth’s orbit that shifts from almost perfectly circular to […]

British Earthquakes

May 11, 2018

QUESTION: I am just curious. Do you have any data on earthquakes in Britain? I was in Winchester in January 2015 when we had a small earthquake. The size was not the issue, but the fact that it was an unusual location, not previously known for earthquakes. Can your computer forecast such events? ANSWER: Without […]

Milankovitch Cycles Prove Global Warming is Just Nuts

May 11, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I just read your report on the Maya discovery of time and the flipping of the poles. Obviously, from the data you put together, it appears we are in that zone where the poles will flip. Do you have anything that would imply what they would mean for civilization today? WK ANSWER: […]

Yellowstone – The Supervolcano When is It Due?

May 10, 2018

Yellowstone Supervolcano geyser Steamboat has been unusually active. Many fear that something strange is happening which may signal it is getting active once again under Yellowstone National Park. Steamboat is indeed the world’s largest geyser and it has erupted three times in just six weeks. Many people have been asking if we ran our models […]

Are they Starting To Understand Everything is Connected in Nature?

February 1, 2018

Back in the 1980s, I flew to Toronto to do an institutional session. There was an earthquake that hit. I then flew to Vancouver to do another institutional session and another earthquake hit. I then flew to Tokyo and was hit by another earthquake during the session. I then flew to Australia and joked saying […]

Japan Hit by Coldest Weather in 48 years

January 28, 2018

Tokyo has been hit by the Global Cooling as well. The cold snap has gripped Japan causing tremendous chaos. This is the coldest in 48 years, according to Japan’s Meteorological Agency. While the Global Warming crowd is attributing this to climate change caused by humans, nobody tries to explain that this is moving back to cold […]

Alaska Hit by 7.9 Earthquake – The Start of a more Active Period lies Ahead

January 23, 2018

A 7.9 earthquake just struck off the coast of Alaska. There have been 12 major earthquakes greater than 7.0 since 1906. The 1964 earthquake was one of the biggest ever in North America measuring 9.2. The real significance of this event today is the fact that the Ring of Fire in the Pacific has 10 […]

Dormant/Extinct Volcano Erupts for First Time in Recorded History

January 11, 2018

Another dormant volcano has suddenly awakened erupting in a rather spectacular fashion, spewing lava for the first time in known history. It sent an ash cloud 2.1 kilometers into the sky. This ancient volcano on Kadovar Island, which is northeast of Papua New Guinea, has been dormant throughout human history until January 5th, 2018.  It began […]

2018 the Year for Earthquakes?

November 28, 2017

The Great San Francisco Earthquake struck on April 18th, 1906 (1906.295). Based upon our model that monitors also earthquakes due to their impact on the economy (1906 quake led to the Panic of 1907 and the formation to create the Federal Reserve in 1913). The risk for a major earthquake turns up in 2018. Why? […]

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