All posts in " Politics "

The GOP Debate – Exposing the Neocons

August 28, 2023

QUESTION: Marty, you have been silent on the GOP debate. Many of us would love to hear your opinion. JH ANSWER: It was very disheartening to see those who supported Ukraine. Vivek Ramaswamy was the most level-headed, probably like Trump and RFK; he is not an indoctrinated politician preaching the party line. He said: “We […]

Trump’s Notoriety Turns into Popularity

August 28, 2023

Donald Trump’s notoriety is turning into increased popularity as he has become a martyr of the corrupt political system. He is receiving around-the-clock news coverage. Rallies are taking place in his favor, with a large group amassing outside the Fulton County jail that is composed of every demographic. His mugshot has been seen throughout the […]

The Caplan Suit to Bar Trump Using the 14th Amendment

August 27, 2023

Caplan Lawsuit Many emails have come in about Lawrence A. Caplan filing this Declaratory judgment to ban Trump from running for President under the pretense of the 14th Amendment. In his filing, he is clever to state that he admits he was a member of the State Bar of California, but then states “Petitioner has […]

The Video of Reality

August 26, 2023 This video is amazing – and it shows the world why Assange was hauled off from the embassy. Good thing we are all over our MTD on election suits and we will demand testimony from Assange – again- I wasn’t allowed to air this at an event cause it wasn’t about elections and lacked… […]

Tucker interview Trump

August 24, 2023

Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 24, 2023  

Rigging Elections – Open Your Eyes

August 18, 2023 COMMENT: You are just a Trump supporter. The 2020 election was not rigged. Get over it. WH ANSWER: I’m sorry you refuse to look at it objectively. I was asked to put in $10 billion, and they were rigging the 2000 Russian election. I said no, and I paid the price. Here is a […]

Ramaswamy & Climate

August 17, 2023

40 years ago they told us an ice age was imminent. Now they tell us that the climate warming is an existential threat to humanity. Which is it? Neither. It’s really about dominion, control and punishing the West. — Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) August 10, 2023 Journalists just read from the cue cards. There are […]

Dating in America

August 14, 2023

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, You are so right about this country being totally screwed. I dated a girl three times. Everything seemed OK. We had similar goals and interests. Then I mentioned the Trump indictment. Suddenly, she just said, oh, you are a Trump supporter. The conversation turned cold, and suddenly, I saw a look of […]

Ramaswamy Sued the WEF and Won

August 8, 2023

This story has not gained enough attention. GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy took on the globalist elite of the World Economic Forum (WEF) for “creating a false perception” that he was involved in their organization. The WEF attempted to list Ramaswamy as a Young Global Leader but he denied their invitation. After repeatedly asking the […]

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