All posts in " Press "

Censorship – Trying to Cover Up the Truth

April 7, 2017

QUESTION: I have concluded that you are the most censored analyst perhaps in history and they always said you were the guy who knew too much. I even read that in a new book entitled, Occupied, mentioning you. The fact you are being censored proves what you have to say is the real thing and someone […]

Obamagate = the new Watergate? Confidence in Gov’t & Press to Decline further

April 4, 2017

Things are going to get interesting. Of course mainstream media will say this brewing scandal is fake news. Nevertheless, my sources have been talking about this for months now. The Daily Caller now is reporting that former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova is talking saying that Susan Rice ordered the spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of all […]

The Meltdown in Politics

March 8, 2017

The political world is melting down. The press is so bought and paid for and lost all sense of impartial reporting just the news. All I can say is this is the beginning of the end. Rejoice – you have a front row seat to witness the decline and fall of the West. It’s only […]

Is the Media Trying to Reestablish the Establishment?

February 28, 2017

They say that knowledge is power. This is why the media has been engaging in outright propaganda and they hate Trump for he has been using Twitter to bypass the corrupt media. Chris Matthews actually spoke correctly on election night, although since he has said that Russia put its “finger on the scale” to help […]

Project Veritas to release leaked Film of Fake News from Inside CNN?

February 23, 2017

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas claims it has “hundreds of hours of tape from within the establishment media”  that will expose just how fake the news really is. It is implied that the source is CNN and people from the inside have gathered film of behind the scene propaganda preparation. He appeared on Fox News where Hannity […]

Unbelievable How Mainstream Media Has Become Just Liars

February 23, 2017   Thomas Friedman of the New York Times demonstrates why mainstream media is just becoming so bought and paid for. You have to wonder if they should not be in prison for attempting to overthrow the government and start a revolution. Here he is still ranting about how Russia hacked the election and asserting […]

When Real News is Attacked by Government – The End is Near

February 17, 2017

The Deutsche-Wirtschafts-Nachrichten (DWN) has been under attack by politicians in Europe for reporting the truth. DWN editor Michael Maier has sent a sharp protest to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU had accused DWN of spreading Russian propaganda with a fake report. Anyone who disagrees to the politics of the EU is […]

Urgent Advice to Trump – Restore FCC Fairness Doctrine

February 2, 2017

Trump should IMMEDIATELY reinstate the Fairness Doctrine in the media that once existed at the FCC. The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that […]

Deep State Told Obama to Prevent Trump from Ending Cold War with Russia

January 23, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why do you defend Russia when they obviously tried to influence the election to defeat Hillary? You seem to be biased on this issue. Let me see you answer this one. ANSWER: You must enjoy just accepting whatever the media feeds you. The Obama Administration has deliberately created a cold war with Russia […]

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