All posts in " Reports and DVDs "

Manipulating the World Economy – Now Available for Pre-Order on Amazon

December 20, 2019

“Manipulating the World Economy” is now available on Amazon for pre-order. Amazon expects the book to be in stock on Christmas day, but you can purchase your copy of the book today. We do not control when Amazon lists the book and we have no idea how long it will last in stock. The price […]

Bond Bubble Institutional Report

December 15, 2019

The Institutional Report on world bond markets will be going out for year-end. Given the seriousness of the Repo Crisis, this report has been timed to deal with the real crisis that confronts the institutional bond investors.  This covers in detail the European, North American, and Asia bond markets. This is part of the Institutional […]

Why the Fed Stopped Lowering Short-term Rates

December 12, 2019

The Repo Crisis is only Part II of this Mother of All Financial Crises. Where Quantitative Easing was buying in long-term debt to try to lower long-term interest rates and stimulate the economy, the Repo Crisis is entirely different for its objective is to prevent short-term rates from rising. The Fed did not lower rates […]

Manipulating the World Economy at Amazon – AVAILABLE SOON

December 11, 2019

“Manipulating the World Economy” has been received by Amazon from the printer. Those who attended the 2019 WEC received a signed first edition copy of the book. We do not have control over the sales or shipping. That is all done by Amazon. We will post it as soon as they begin to accept sales. […]

Manipulating the World Economy

December 10, 2019

“Manipulating the World Economy” has been printed and shipped to Amazon. We are hoping to have the links up for Christmas. I have tried to make this an interesting textbook on the world economy and how it functions. Every page of this hardcover book is printed in full color. I have illustrated everything I could […]

The Truth Behind the Repo Crisis

December 10, 2019

COMMENT #1: Hi, Marty if you can, let the readers know if the “mother of all financial crisis” is the big bang. You talk al lot about the REPO crisis and some might wonder if these are two separate events. N COMMENT #2: Wow. I am left speechless. I think your title Repo Crisis is […]

The Mother of all Financial Crises

December 10, 2019

COMMENT: Sir, While taking a break from reading the Repo Report, I came across these words written by Albert Einstein before he passed away “Not one statesman in a position of responsibility has dared to pursue the only course that holds out any promise of peace…” he wrote. “For a statesman to follow such a course […]

BIS & Repo The Report

December 9, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, the BIS report just release is a joke. They blame the banks are holding treasuries and not lending. This is really a whitewash for that would explain a single event. It does not explain the ongoing liquidity crisis. Is this just propaganda by the BIS? DK ANSWER: The claim that the four big […]

The Repo Crisis

November 19, 2019

QUESTION: Marty; The goldbugs are back and claiming the Repo Crisis is MMT and this is again just printing money endlessly to cover up a major banking crisis in the USA so buy gold of course. You said at the WEC cocktail party this would happen because these people never understand the world economy. Is […]

The Next Lehman Moment – Threat to the Global Economy the Fed Responded to

August 5, 2019

I am overseas as a crisis is brewing which many might rename the “Lehman Moment” to something more up to date. Clearly, the stakes are far higher to the world economy than anyone may truly appreciate. We are cascading toward a perfect financial storm. However, this particular storm is exacerbated by the politics of Europe […]

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