All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

The New 2017 Banking System

December 30, 2016

The year 2017 will bring us a step closer to eliminating physical money through governments assault on the underground economy. I previously reported that Europe had moved forward to make payments electronically on an instant basis. The same system is being turned on next year in Australia. The entire reason the Founding Fathers of the United […]

Confiscating Gold

December 28, 2016

The assault on gold is by no means casual. The hunt for money and the global effort to eliminate cash to be able to increase taxation is also targeting gold. All the sales pitches that gold will survive have ignored the fact that government is well aware of gold and people using it to store […]

California Really is Out of Control

December 27, 2016

Some government employees should be simply thrown in prison for abusing their position and power. A prime example of this is an agent from the California department of alcoholic beverage control, who was driving an unmarked vehicle. The agent claimed that a driver named Schwab had cut her off and was driving erratically. She pulled him […]

South Carolina to Tax Porn Downloads

December 22, 2016

States are simply going bankrupt and in the process, they will become very nasty and aggressive. In South Carolina they will introduce a bill for the legislative session that will begin in the new year that will require all manufacturers and sellers of computers and other internet-capable devices to install porn-blocking software on all their products. If […]

Scandinavia – Leader in the War on Cash

December 21, 2016

The Scandinavian countries Sweden, Denmark and Norway are regarded as a pioneer in the the effort to eliminate money and move totally electronic. Denmark closed its final Mint outsourced the operation to Finland. This means that there is no coinage in the three states struck anymore. In this war on cash, about 20% of all transactions were […]

Australia Looking Into Cancelling the $100 Bill

December 19, 2016

The Australian federal government is planning a full assault on the black or underground economy by appointing a taskforce who will consider the future of the $100 note and bans on cash payments over a certain level. Australia, like everyone else, is facing a monetary crisis whereby the current system of taxes and social programs […]

McDonalds Leaves EU for Britain

December 12, 2016

The EU is just insane. They cannot comprehend how to run an economy. The abuse on taxation assessments in the EU has led to McDonalds relocating its international headquarters from Luxembourg to the UK. The U.S. fast food chain announced last week that a new holding company was being established in the UK, where most of […]

Dallas Suspends Pension Withdrawals

December 12, 2016

The Dallas Police and Fire Pension System’s Board of Trustees officially suspended all withdraws last week. The move stopped $154 million of withdraws requested last week alone. If those withdraws would have been allowed, the fund would be below the $600 million in liquid assets that is required to maintain the $2.1 billion fund. Over […]

California Cities Weigh a ‘Netflix Tax’ for Online Video Streaming

December 8, 2016

Government is on the verge of completely destroying the economy all because those in power are incapable of managing even a bubblegum machine. Local cities are desperate for money as their own pensions keep moving closer to collapsing. Instead of dealing with the problem, of course, they always choose to just tax the stupid people. Pasadena […]

Freedom of Movement – Four Aspects Under Assault

December 7, 2016

We tend to assume that the freedom of movement is confined solely to migration and travel. There are four aspects to the freedom of movement, and migration or travel is only one. Yes, we warned that the Schengen Agreement would come to an end and the European refugee crisis has enabled that decline. We warned that this agreement, […]

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