All posts in "News"

Reversals & Timing

June 10, 2019

QUESTION: Martin, Good morning. I would first like to thank you again for the Socrates service. It has provided me with a lot more confidence in my decisions as a trader and the warnings about the week of 5/6 that were being generated in the arrays many different assets saved me a lot of money. […]

Will Canada Participate in the Shift from Public to Private?

June 10, 2019

QUESTION: Martin, Will Canadian equities due to Canada’s economy being integrated with the USA participate in the coming worldwide shift from public to private assets? Thanks R ANSWER: Yes. The details on Canada have been provided in the 2019 report.

The Future – Which Door to Enter

June 9, 2019

QUESTION: Good day Mr. Armstrong, I have been a student of yours since 2001 and am always amazed at your work. I am not one that can afford to go to your seminars, but would love to know all that you discuss there. Could you write a book about what all is discussed there? My […]

China – the Financial Capital of the World After 2032

June 8, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, You keep stating that the center of Finance will move to China. However, the world distrusts China, rightly so. How can they become the Financial Center if no one trusts them? RLK ANSWER: That will come only after 2032. Keep in mind, the West will be tested and the failed system of continually […]

Could the Great Depression Have Been Prevented?

June 7, 2019

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I appreciate all you share. I watched a series on the Great Depression and they talk about how socialism saved capitalism. If true, is this part of a healthy cycle between the two? Could anything have been done to prevent the Great Depression? Thank you! LB   ANSWER: It was not socialism […]

Trump v Federal Reserve – Why?

June 7, 2019

QUESTION: Good afternoon Martin, Do you gander that President Trump is aware that a higher dollar will cream the economy and is doing all he can to fight that trend? Maybe he is reading AE but like other politicians still thinks he can manipulate the economy? Trump is battling the Fed over interest rates. What […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow into July

June 6, 2019

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow into July Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Schengen Agreement Dead – Killed by Refugees

June 6, 2019

COMMENT: Dear Martin, you are once more right with your view’s. EU’s Schengen agreement is going to die. From May 1st on, anybody in the EU has to carry an “A1 Certificate” if he or she is going on a business trip to avoid “social insurance fraud”. If not, you could be fined by up […]

Where to Live in the Meltdown?

June 5, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, Tks for all your help and free education services. When the 3rd world is crushed in USD denominated debt and there is a world currency reset after the pension crisis in the west/US, will Asia be the best place to be? What Asian countries does Socrates say will be best? Cheers Baldy NZ & […]

Do Sanctions Ever Work?

June 5, 2019

QUESTION: Hello, with all the talk of sanctions in the news against North Korea and Iran, have sanctions against a country ever worked? Aren’t they a pretext that leads to violence and war? Has any country that was developing nuclear weapons ever been prevented from eventually having them? Thanks, Bill ANSWER: Sanctions have never worked. […]

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