All posts in "News"

The Demographics & How West v East Cope with the Change

March 29, 2019

In the West, girls are simply not having enough children. This is undermining the entire social structure. The welfare system is dependent upon the population increasing, or at the bare minimum remaining unchanged. Europe has secretly allowed refugees in to try to make up for the decline in population that will undermine their highly socialistic […]

Are 95% of Bitcoin Trades Fake?

March 29, 2019

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I love the fact you always stand in the middle. Do you believe that 95% of Bitcoin Trading is fake? Thank you KL ANSWER: I did not conduct that study. It does sound a bit high. However, manipulation has been a historical problem in the commodity world. As I stated before, […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Emerging Market Chaos

March 29, 2019

PRIVATE BLOG: Emerging Market Chaos Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The Financial Panic of 2019?

March 28, 2019

The distortion in the yield curve is building with tremendous force. There are vast bids for US 90-day T-Bills from around the world and no offers. The shortage in US government paper is now being reported to us from repo desks around the world. There is a MAJOR PANIC in to the dollar as emerging markets […]

Inverted Yield Curve Points to Recession?

March 28, 2019

Last week, the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury bill fell below that of the 3-month note for the first time since 2007. This is what everyone calls an Inverted Yield Curve, and is seen as an early indicator of a recession. In that regard, it is conforming to the Economic Confidence Model (ECM) which has […]

Regulating the Virtual & Cryptocurrency World

March 28, 2019

  While many believe that the off-exchange trading platforms in Bitcoin bypass fiat central banks, there are developments in the legal world that warn of regulation is headed into the field with a vengeance. There were three important recent actions in federal courts that illustrate the interplay among the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) & […]

Facebook to Launch a Cryptocurrency & Compete Against Banks?

March 27, 2019

QUESTION: Why is Facebook going to issue a cryptocurrency? Doesn’t that confirm the evolutionary path of technology? ND ANSWER: The term “cryptocurrency” is being thrown around very loosely. It is true that there is increasing hype and speculation regarding a theoretical Facebook Coin. However, this is not a “cryptocurrency” it is simply a digital entry […]

The SEC is Trying to Remove Musk But Not the Bankers. Why?

March 27, 2019

QUESTION: Is it possible the Gov’t is going after Elon Musk for his opinion on AI. It seems as though Google CEO is working with the Gov’t to collect information against the citizens of the USA and absolutely for an unregulated AI sector. Maybe there is a battle going on between the techies and the US […]

Keeping it Simple Keeps you Stupid

March 27, 2019

There was a 14th-century Franciscan friar by the name of William of Ockham who is credited with having formalized the principle that “simpler solutions are likely to be more correct than complex ones.” Hence, we seem to always try to reduce everything to a single cause and effect. Some have rephrased this as “keep it simple, stupid,” […]

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