All posts in "News"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposed to Raise Individual Tax Rates to 70%

January 7, 2019

I have warned that all the talk behind the curtain I was hearing when the Democrats won the House was that as soon as they go in, they would be looking at raising taxes to where they use to be back before Reagan. Well it did not take long. The new Congresswoman from New York […]

Trump & His Wall

January 7, 2019

QUESTION: Do you support Trump’s Wall? They say Trump’s wall is a waste of money and won’t work. Do you disagree? GH ANSWER: To me, it is really irrelevant. It is far more important to the people living there on the border who are tired of all the crime and nonsense lacking security. There are […]

Cheney – Rice – Rumsfeld – Kristol

January 7, 2019

There have been assertions that the formidable group of Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice were responsible for all the deaths in the Iraq Conflict. A number of people have responded to the piece I wrote about the movie VICE.  This threesome called themselves “the Vulcans”, after the Roman god of fire. Cheney served as the White House […]

Trump paid $130K to Daniels – Clinton paid $350k to Jones

January 6, 2019

Paula Corbin Jones was the former Arkansas state employee who sued U.S. President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. He paid her $350,000 to keep quiet and Trump paid his own money $130,000 to Stormy Daniels – the porn star. And the Democrats want to impeach Trump for that when Clinton has a history of hitting […]

Pocahontas to Run for President

January 6, 2019

The stage has been set and Elizabeth Warren, aka Pocahontas, is to Run for President. What is going to be really interesting besides her becoming more vocal now for the next two years, will be the revelation of how corrupt she really is. She has bashed the banks and is the closest thing to a […]

Comments on Hillary’s Memiors

January 5, 2019

  Hillary Clinton’s 506-page memoir has come out. So much of her personality shines through, that in the end, you, too, will want to sleep with an intern.” ~ Craig Kilborn “In Hillary Clinton’s new book ‘Living History,’ Hillary details what it was like meeting Bill Clinton, falling in love with him, getting married, and […]

Government Closure & Lack of Advice to Trump

January 5, 2019

  President Donald Trump on Friday said he has considered using emergency powers to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The press has been saying that he could declare a national emergency to redirect money from the Defense Department or other sources to fund the wall. However, Obama used funding that was granted by Congress […]

Market Talk- January 4, 2019

January 4, 2019

The initial headline that US and China plan to reconvene talks next week, was all it took to start the stock market bounce. However, added to this was that China lowered the RRR (Reserve Ratio Requirement) by 50bp initially then another 50bp later and that helped Europe to perform. Japan’s Nikkei (-2.25%) hit by commodity […]

Yellow Vests Becoming World Wide Movement

January 4, 2019

The Yellow Vest Movement that began in France, is spreading. It appeared also in Belgium and it spread to Canada as well. The French arrested the leaders of the Yellow Vest Movement calling them an anti-government charging them for organizing an unauthorized protest, as authorities adopt a tougher approach to try to curb the demonstrations. During the weekend of […]

Plunge Protection Myths = Keynesian Economic Myths

January 4, 2019

QUESTION: What about what China did by buying stocks a few years ago to stop the hang sang from dropping LW ANSWER: Do not confuse attempts to support a market from actually being able to do so. This is the same as Keynesian economics that government could prevent recessions. Larry Summers admitted the government cannot even […]

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