All posts in "News"

Italy Warns that Stopping QE will Lead to Collapse of Eurozone

August 14, 2018

Italy has called on the ECB to guarantee the bond yields warning that if they END quantitative easing the Eurozone will break apart. On this score, they are not wrong. The economic spokesman for the Italian governing party Lega has warned of a collapse of the Eurozone. The ECB should ensure that the yield spreads of government bonds […]

Senator Mark Warner Proposes the End of Free Speech – The Revenge of Hillary

August 13, 2018

Senate Democrats are circulating a proposal based upon their claim of Russian hacking that will completely takeover the internet and social media which has been leaked. They are adopting the EU approach to silence political criticism. They claim it is necessary, just as the EU argued, that they must act to prevent Russian hackers and “restore” […]

Is It Time for Judicial Reform?

August 13, 2018

Trump really needs to clean house when it comes to the judicial system. It is just totally out of control and they have long held themselves above the law. The majority of judges outright deny human rights in America, civil rights, and ignore the Constitution when it suits them. Trump needs to do what they […]

Romanians Out Again over Government Corruption

August 13, 2018

Once again, tens of thousands of Romanians have taken to the streets demanding the end of corruption in government. At least 450 people were injured in clashes with the police who are still defending the government against the people. We are looking at a worldwide epidemic of corruption in government that has known no bounds. This is […]

Turkey & Foolish European Banks

August 13, 2018

Erdogan is shifting to Russia already. He will abandon the West all to retain power. Turkey was the critical lynch-pin for emerging markets. Many foolish banks ran to buy Turkey’s debt because they could earn 20% interest. The currency has fallen 25% in two days. We are looking at European banks taking major losses on […]

Cryptocurrency – Private v Public

August 12, 2018

QUESTION: Dear Marty: I have been reading you for over a decade. I notice a change in your attitude towards Bitcoin/Crypto. Initially, you were completely against it, now you seem to be neutral. Has something changed? We now have Futures, CBOE is coming out with an ETF, every major bank is thinking of entering the space. […]

Iran and & Turkey Ripe for Revolution?

August 12, 2018

A Revolution is brewing not just in Turkey, but also in Iran. More than 100,000 people have taken to the streets chanting death to the dictator. The currency has simply collapsed as it moves into hyperinflation. Once again, as we see this take place, CONFIDENCE in the government is collapsing. This is the key to […]

Are Cryptocurrencies A Fictional Dream?

August 11, 2018

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong; I suppose we have to learn the hard way. Our electronic currency system crashed here in Zimbabwe. Many people were using it because of the old hyperinflation. The argument that private money would be better than government made a lot of sense here given the history. Most people were using US […]

The Minsky Moment

August 11, 2018

A number of people have asked if I ever looked at Hyman Minsky’s concepts in forecasting the economy. Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis failed not because of the fact that he attempted to interject cycles and even listened to Schumpeter, the problem was that he was an economist and not a trader. His own attempts to devise a […]

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