All posts in "News"

BitCoin & Alternative Currencies

May 14, 2017

QUESTION: I very much look forward to reading your blog every day and feel that I am learning much. I don’t know much about BitCoin but I note that it has almost doubled since the beginning of the year. Does your model have any insight into the future of cryptocurrencies like BitCoin. MR ANSWER: The problem […]

California is Highest Taxed State in USA and should join the EU

May 14, 2017

Governor Jerry Brown never saw a problem that could not be solved by just raising more taxes. This time, the state pension fund is going broke as we have been warning with the building Pension Crisis thanks to mismanagement and low interest rates championed by Larry Summers. California has already increased its gasoline tax by 50% […]

The Drive to End Democracy in France

May 13, 2017

The democratic decision-making process is actually dreaded by many politicians as too much work. The EU structure was clearly established to make sure that those who make the rules are not subject to election. France’s new president, Emmanuel Macron, would like to be able to make decisions in the social field without the hassle of discussion as […]

Draghi Says Anyone Leaving the EU Must Pay But EU Will Not Refund Surpluses

May 13, 2017

In the Netherlands, the Forum For Democracy leader Thierry Baudet confronted Mario Draghi of the ECB asking that since he had said anyone leaving must pay the ECB and exit fee of whatever they owe, he said the Netherlands had €100bn surplus at the ECB they should get back is. Mario Draghi stated bluntly, NO! […]

Interrogation By Bankers to Do Anything With Your Money

May 13, 2017

QUESTION: A bank manager at a local bank called and began asking questions about a wire transfer to Panama that we had some difficulty sending. We are purchasing a small house and land in Panama and this was the earnest money of $16,000. She was asking why I was buying the land, when I planned to […]

Market Talk- May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017

An uneasy session in the US Thursday, following poor mainline stores data which led a mixed day for Asian markets. We saw losses for the Nikkei, ASX and SENSEX and gains for the Hang Seng, NZ and Shanghai. Volumes were light all around but that does not seem to be much of an anomaly these […]

Brussels & Berlin Reject the Core of Macron’s Political Campaign

May 12, 2017

Emmanuel Macron has shown just how inexperienced he is when it comes to international trade. Both Berlin and Brussels have rejected Macron’s central platform in his election campaign that all government purchases should be made from exclusively European companies. They realize that while Le Pen cheered “France First”, Macron called that nationalist, he proposed European […]

IMF Proposed a Capital Levy – Tax on Money in Bank Accounts & Raise Property Taxes

May 12, 2017

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is always the cheerleader to raise taxes to support government. They are instructing Germany to raise taxes and also talking about just imposing a 10% tax on all money that deposits in banks throughout Europe. Yes – you read that one correctly. The IMF has told Germany it should raise […]

Market Talk- May 11th, 2017

May 12, 2017

A positive day across the board for Asian equity indices with KOSPI setting the pace (+1.16%) creating new records as it goes and with the ASX just managing a small +0.5% profit. The Nikkei continued its run (+0.3%) but remains under the psychological 20k mark, even as the Yen traded with a 114 handle. The […]

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