All posts in "News"

I live in a Commonwealth. They are trying to make my wealth common!

March 23, 2017

COMMENT: Sir,       Growing up in Kentucky, I remember one of my friend’s fathers always grumbling, “I live in a Commonwealth. They are trying to make my wealth common!”       Just another phrase for a “sharing economy”.        Keep up the good work        DK

John McCain Recorded Propaganda Message Made for the Enemy

March 23, 2017

John McCain was born in Panama, not the United States. There was the same question with Obama – was McCain really qualified to run for President if he was not born in the United States. He confirms his birthplace on this propaganda message he made for his captures. They criticized Trump for saying he does […]

The Rise of Populism – Here to Stay

March 23, 2017

QUESTION: With the Netherlands voting against Wilders, do you think the tide is turning? Will Europe survive? ANSWER: It may have been a huge sigh of relief for the global socialists/progressives with the loss of Geert Wilders on March 15th, but there is a clear undertone of rising discontent within Europe. Likewise, the AfD in Germany […]

Marxist Socialism now relabeled as the Sharing Economy

March 23, 2017

In Canada, I was in a discussion with a socialist politician. I was shocked at the response to their view of the economy that everything you earned belonged to the state and they decided how much you were allowed to keep. This same attitude is displayed by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). They have cleaned […]

It’s Confirmed – Trump was Spied On During Transition

March 22, 2017

  This is a press conference in its entirety from the committee investigating everything. Yes, there was no “wiretap” of Trump Tower. As I reported previously, that is old-school. So while the New York Times and the Washington Post are desperate to cover everything up and focus only on that single word to claim Trump […]

Why Science Fails to Understand Cycles – They Lack the Connections

March 22, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Interesting attempt at the cycle analysis for a MAJOR earthquake. Why do you think they make these predictions, when they don’t properly understand the cycles? PF Last week, research based on a more complete earthquake record revised the return period of a quake to 291 years. The last was in 1717, exactly 300 […]

Confidence in Real Estate Crashes in Australia

March 22, 2017

The rush of foreign capital that has caused real estate in major cities to soar coming out of China has hit Australia, Canada, and the USA. The laws against foreign ownership in Australia have been the harshest in the world. They have confiscated property owned by foreigners and are forcing it to be sold at losses. […]

The Solution

March 22, 2017

People thought that Quantitative Easing was a drastic increase in money supply that would be inflationary. It was not. What they do NOT look at is that because government debt in the form of bills, notes, and bonds, all can be used as collateral in a loan, the entire national debt has now become simply […]

New York Times – Altering the News to Charge Trump

March 21, 2017

What newspapers are doing between the Print and Online Versions is beginning to really question their integrity and reveals why mainstream media is just not trustworthy any more. So if you Google something, it’s the online version that will come up – not the print edition. So they can print anything and then post online […]

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