All posts in "News"

Market Talk – January 26, 2017

January 26, 2017

With the DOW having broken the psychological 20k level in early US trading and all the hype and coverage surrounding that, there really was only ever one direction planned for today. In the absence of any other significant market related news, Core Asia responded accordingly that saw both the Nikkei and the Hang Seng close […]

Are We Getting Dumber?

January 26, 2017

Recent studies are discovering that each generation is becoming increasingly stupid. A study from Iceland has highlighted a downward spiral in human intelligence. The genetics firm in Reykjavik found that groups of genes that predispose people to spend more years in education became a little rarer in the country from 1910 to 1975. The sample size […]

Eliminating Currency = Communism

January 26, 2017

Columbia University Economist Joseph Stiglitz says that the United States should phase out currency and move towards a digital economy. All of these people advocating such policies are ignorant of the real world and advocate total government control. Stiglitz told the World Economic Forum that there are “benefits that outweigh the cost.” He hailed India for […]

Trump’s Tax Reduction Follows John F. Kennedy Approach

January 26, 2017

Of course, the left is focusing on how much the “rich” pay while ignoring the entire issue of taxes. When I debated Steve Forbes and Governor James Florio at Princeton University, it was the Democrat Florio who I turned. I simply said that the tax code borrowed from the poor and middle class, handed them […]

Market Talk – January 25, 2017

January 25, 2017

Having seen a strong cash performance in US markets has certainly helped sentiment flowing into Asia this morning. Aiding the +1.4% return seen in the Nikkei today was the Trade data release where the numbers were way better than expected (270bn forecast was released at 641.4bn). Interestingly, the JPY has not seen such volatility remaining […]

Dow Breaks the 20,000 Barrier

January 25, 2017

While every story you read from the press is negative about Trump and one in every three California residents supports the withdrawal from the union, according to a new Reuters report, the stock market is pressing to new highs now that Trump is in office without being assassinated by Democrats who refuse to be American […]

Immigration & Risk

January 25, 2017

The protests against Trump have been claiming that he will somehow end abortion (which he cannot do), and the civil rights and immigration parts of their protests are really unthinkable. Many legal immigrants went through the process and they voted for Trump because they felt others should have to do the same thing. In Britain, […]

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