All posts in " 2024 US Presidential Election "

Further Evidence of WWIII – DoD Budget

July 18, 2023

The Department of Defense (DoD) drastically changed its budget plan. The left is constantly complaining about how America spends too much on defense, and the White House originally decided that there would be around a 2% increase in the budget for 2024, which is average. Now, the Department of Defense is planning a 10% increase […]

The Least Popular President in 70 Years        

July 6, 2023

Every poll imaginable shows Biden and Harris steeply declining in popularity. Biden’s favorability is now lower than the past 13 presidents. I cannot imagine any sane person supporting him after what he has done to the nation in the past three years. No one can honestly say they are better off under Biden. This man […]

Over Half of Democrats Want Biden to Debate RFK

June 29, 2023

The people demand to see a debate between Robert F. Kennedy and Joe Biden. Why should we reappoint someone to the highest political office without hearing their views? Biden is not in any mental state to debate a brick wall. Still, a Trafalgar Group survey shows that 77.5% of all voters want to see Kennedy […]

Kennedy Gains Traction

June 22, 2023

The Democrats said they would not host a presidential debate, so Robert F. Kennedy is starting his own. All eyes are on Kennedy right now after appearing on Joe Rogan. Rogan was accused of spreading misinformation by having Kennedy on his show, so he offered money to anyone who could disprove what was said. Numerous […]

The Most Expensive Climate Initiative in US History

June 21, 2023

  Five years ago today, Greta’s handlers announced that the world would end on this precise date. All of humanity would be wiped out entirely. Yet, here we are. Climate change has become the ultimate tool for governments to funnel money. Biden announced on Monday that the US will spend nearly $600 million on climate […]

Mike Pence – The Neocon GOP Presidential Candidate

June 12, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence plans to run in the 2024 US Presidential Election with the goal of pushing the nation into a global conflict. Part of his rhetoric is bashing former President Trump for having diplomatic relations with Russia, despite working under him for four years. If elected, Pence said he plans to offer […]

The Democrats are Silencing RFK

June 9, 2023

The Democrats are afraid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is exposing the truth behind their lies, and the powers that be are silencing him. YouTube has begun scrubbing videos featuring RFK from their site as they with anyone who questioned the pandemic. He already has a massive platform from his famous father and uncle. […]

US Voters Want Economic Growth over Equality

June 7, 2023

Inflation has hurt everyone. It is no surprise that a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports indicates that US voters are now prioritizing economic growth of equality. The latest survey found that 64% of voters favor policies that contribute to economic growth, while only 27% said they prioritized economic fairness. In 2019, before the last election, […]

Zelensky: Ukraine Will Win War before 2024 US Elections

May 16, 2023

I have said it countless times – the only way they will keep Biden in power is to enter the war. The US and all NATO nations have already unofficially entered the war by supplying soldiers and a blank check to Ukraine and attempting to nuke Russia’s economy by removing it from SWIFT and placing […]

GOP Hopeful to Challenge 26th Amendment

May 12, 2023

Potential GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is proposing to amend the Constitution, which in itself does not fall within party lines. The Constitution is not a suggestion but a standard for life in this nation. The 26th Amendment allows all adults over the age of 18 to vote for their representatives. Ramaswamy believes that only […]

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