All posts in " Britain "

Britain’s New Law UNEXPLAINED WEALTH ORDERS Targeting the Rich

February 23, 2018

From January 31st, 2018, the UK authorities have a new power. They can now use new and expansive investigative authority to require both individuals and corporate bodies to provide information as to how they acquired property. Known as Unexplained Wealth Orders (“UWOs”), which is another step toward tyranny all because governments are totally incapable of managing their […]

Collapse of Socialism – End of Pensions

February 23, 2018

  I have been warning that we are in the midst of (1) collapse in democracy as the bureaucracy attempts to ensure they get their’s, (2) the collapse of socialism, which is the implosion of social programs, and (3) the collapse of pensions set in motion by the artificially low-interest rates for the past 10 […]

Soros – One of the Greatest Threats Against Society?

February 9, 2018

It is no secret that I have no respect for George Soros and that is aside from the fact that we would often be on opposite sides of the market. I never saw Soros as a great trader. Even the reputation that he broke the Bank of England was nonsense. The “Club” was all on […]

Why the Dollar is the Mainstay of the World Economy

January 22, 2018

QUESTION: A friend told me the one pound coins I have from a trip to Britain last year were canceled. How can a government simply cancel its money? KL ANSWER: Oh yes. Britain canceled the one pound coins last October. They estimated that £400-450 million pounds became worthless overnight. Europeans routinely cancel their currency. This […]

British Prosecutors Charging Hate Crimes for just saying “All right Geezer.”

January 11, 2018

The British government is also going completely nuts with criminal charges for nonsense. British prosecutors charged a woman for calling a man a “pussy”. Then there is the case of a businessman who was charged with a hate crime for saying to a transgender man presenting himself as a woman  – “all right geezer.” He alleged […]

Will England Break-Up Not Just the United Kingdom

January 7, 2018

QUESTION: Hi Martin. In your recent blog posts, you talk about the possible timing of the break up of Britain but you talk about that in terms of the regionalisation or break up of England only. Have you not said before that Scotland is likely to become independent sometime in the next few years? Perhaps […]

Is BREXIT in Trouble? Can Britain Survive Past 2042-2044?

January 5, 2018

The REMAIN crowd is doing everything possible to surrender the sovereignty, dignity, and future of Britain. The left is taking hold in Britain calling anyone who wants to leave the EU is now openly called a “racist” and they are bashing anyone who even appears to be nationalist. While the British pound closed 2017 at […]


December 26, 2017

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, In stark contrast to the USA which is heading for LOWER taxes which you say will invigorate the economy,the SNP Government in Scotland has announced HIGHER income taxes “to protect public services from the cuts being imposed by the Tories.”   Clearly the SNP Government is unconcerned that its tax policies make Scotland […]

British Parliament Chaos as Tory Rebels Try to Stop BREXIT

December 18, 2017

The Tory Rebels in the UK Parliament joined forces with Labour and the Remain Camp to defeat BREXIT in reality. They claim that Parliament will now vote on the BREXIT deal, but in reality, they have created an open door for more uncertainty and economic chaos. The Tory rebels were Mr. Grieve, Heidi Allen, Ken […]

Thatcher Warned that the Euro was the Backdoor to Federalization of Europe

December 8, 2017

  QUESTION: Hi Team Armstrong, I read your fascinating blog regularly since watching The Forecaster in early 2015. In today’s posting “Soros Throws In The Towel” there must be a unfortunate misprint? “That was the coup against Margaret Thatcher who really wanted to take Britain into the euro” ? (Illustrated with a picture of PM at […]

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