All posts in " Climate "

Oyster, Clams & Mussels Produce Massive Global Warming Gas

October 17, 2017

  Well, you can help save the planet by eating more oysters, clams, and mussels since it has been discovered that they produce 8 times more global warming gasses than even cows so much that the EU wanted to regulate cow farting. A new study now blames these creatures for putting out gasses significantly more […]

Paris Climate Accord = Junk Science

July 20, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read a piece on the Paris Climate agreement that said climate experts now warn that an increase of more than 2 degrees Celsius could bring about irreversible consequences, including unpredictable superstorms and crippling heat waves. That seems to be anti-cyclical. How do they create such “science” without proof? PL ANSWER: They just […]

Sun Activity Has Collapsed to the Lowest in 9,300 years

July 20, 2017

THE sun is the source of all our warmth. Without it, we would not exist.  Like everything else, it is cyclical in nature. The term “lunatic” referred to people who seemed to go a bit strange when there was a full moon. Some people are perhaps susceptible to its gravitational forces. After all, it is […]

Why Global Warming is Good

July 20, 2017

  One of my greatest concerns with all this Global Warming nonsense is that nobody seems to ever plot weather against the rise and fall of civilization. When you do, you arrive at a strikingly different perspective of global warming. The greatest advancements in civilization have ALWAYS taken place during periods of global warming. When […]

France Agrees to Pay All Costs for Turkey to Sign Paris Climate Accord

July 11, 2017

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he would not ratify the Paris Climate Accord unless Europe paid all costs to Turkey. France agreed to pay Turkey compensation for the cost of implementation when signing the agreement. If Erdogan does not receive any financial funds, he said that his Parliament will not ratify the treaty.  Erdogan […]

Merkel to Confront Trump at G20 On Climate

July 3, 2017

Germany’s Chancellor Merkel is determined to create problems at the upcoming G20 meeting in Hamburg July 7-8. She is a brainwashed climate supporter who has refused to listen to over 31,000 scientists who have joined together against this Global Warming fraud. The Paris climate meeting refused to allow anyone to speak in opposition. They have […]

London Fire May Have Been Caused by EU Regulations

June 23, 2017

It turns out that the Grenfall tower fire may have been caused by Europe’s Global Warming regulations. To fight CO2 climate change, the EU Energy efficiency directive was passed into British law by the Blair Government back in 2010. The directive imposed energy efficiency  to be applied to buildings. They were directed to place cladding on the outside of the […]

The Plight of Junk Science in All Fields

June 23, 2017

Junk Science is the real crisis we face as so many people think that Global Warming is caused by man and Co2. Of course, those who really believe this is the problem that will destroy the world perhaps should just commit suicide and take the dog with them. Since we exhale Co2 that would reduce […]

Governor Jerry Brown of California Advocates the Overthrow of USA

June 14, 2017

Governor Jerry Brown of California is committing treason Against the United States. He is leading a confederacy against the Federal Government and should stand trial, but of course that would be controversial. After Trump rejected the Paris Climate treaty, which had never been ratified by the Senate, the European Union announced that it would work […]

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