All posts in " Germany "

Global Warming Taxes – Or Just Another Excuse?

October 7, 2017

Now that the German elections are finished, Merkel now comes with the tax hikes. This shows the contempt for the people assume that they are just stupid so do nothing before and election, then raise the taxes after. According to a report, Germans should not expect about a 50% tax increase on electricity. As the Bild newspaper […]

Italy’s Experience With Pre-Pay VAT Was Devastating

October 3, 2017

COMMENT: Re:  Germany To Tax VAT Just Billing People Before they Pay Please note in Italy we had the same = pay VAT to the government before collecting it from client for decades, until a couple of years ago (approx), when Italian government changed the rules (first you collect VAT from clients, then you send VAT […]

Germany – Trying to Form a Government Won’t Be Easy

September 28, 2017

Trying to form a government in Germany is not so easy. Green leader, Simone Peter, says they and the FDP agree with Merkel that there should be no limit to refugees. He said” “In a coalition with us, there will be no upper limit for refugees, just as with the CDU and FDP. The CSU has to […]

Has Merkel Been Undermined in Germany?

September 26, 2017

  The German election was on par with the global trend that is rising up against the establishment as we have known it. Angela Merkel has been accused of weakening her respective coalition partner. The election result of the Bundestag election shows that not only the SPD has to worry about losing ground, but the Union […]

Merkel Wins but Still only 32.5% Down Significantly

September 25, 2017

Once again Merkel fails to win the popular vote in Germany. Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union lost 9% compared to the last elections. Nevertheless, her party has remained as the largest party in Germany’s parliament. Merkel’s CDU won 32.5% of the popular vote far less than any president in the United States history. That was a […]

Germany To Tax VAT Just Billing People Before they Pay

September 24, 2017

The German government is desperate for money and what they are doing now is just unbelievable. Germany is looking to order companies to prepay VAT tax before they even collect it.  Companies in Germany will now have to pay the VAT immediately to the government on any amount they have billed to a customer. This is […]

Merkel Poised for 4th Term as Head of Europe/Germany

September 23, 2017

The German election takes place tomorrow, with Chancellor Angela Merkel the favorite to defend her position against Martin Schulz for a fourth term in power. The AfD will for the first time win seats Bundestag elections. The the union parties and the SPD are losing approval while Merkel’s party, CDU / CSU, polls at just 34%, […]

German Elections Void of Any Critical Discussion

September 23, 2017

The German Bundestag election campaign has seen a total black-out of any discussion of the major crisis that is building in Europe. Nobody is mentioning that Euro crisis, ECB monetary policy, disintegration of the EU, refugee crisis, pension crisis, the municipalities on the brink of insolvency, or the drastic increases in taxation coming AFTER the election that […]

Merkel Encountering Rising Violent Protests

September 17, 2017

Violent protest are starting to rise in Germany against Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel. Keep in mind that Merkel has never won 51% of the popular vote. She rules Europe solely by a coalition. DWN reports that she was confronted with shouts of  “Hau ab!”, whistles and “hatred”. They are appearing with poster reading “Merkel hatsten Deutschland”.  It is […]

Germany & France Want to Tax Gross Sales on the Internet

September 15, 2017

  The hunt for taxes in France and Germany is in full swing. Merkel and Macrone are looking for endless new sources of tax revenues. They are moving directly into the position of destroying their economies because their thirst for more and more taxes never ends. No matter how much they collect, they never have […]

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