All posts in " Politics "

Fiat Money & Fairy Tales

August 31, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am trying to find any valid information, without success, to whether there is any truth to a coming Global Currency Reset, a gold treaty purportedly signed by 200+ nations in 2013 written by a Michael C. Cottrell who upon notification by the Chinese elders, aka Golden Dragon, would then release “the […]

Advising Trump

August 26, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you deny advising Trump. Yet you are the only person who had forecast that the US was holding up the rest of the world economy which he also now says. You also said Trump was making a mistake with China, and at the G7 he admitted he may have made a mistake. […]

The Shift in Small Donations to Trump

August 23, 2019

There is a major shift taking place within the Republican party that has some people on the Hill taking notice. Traditionally, the Republicans have had the image that they are the party of the rich and corporations, despite the fact that the bankers would not donate to Trump in 2016 and it all went to […]

Kamala Harris – Medicare for All

August 19, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, what do you make of Harris’s Medicare-for-all plan joining Bernie Sanders? Is this just another way the destroy the society? HY ANSWER: There is a HUGE problem nobody seems willing to address. People compare US healthcare costs to those of places like Britain. The problem is that we have a private system and […]

Will Governments ever Listen Before there is Blood in the Streets?

August 17, 2019

COMMENT: Thank you for ‘Why Private Blogs’. You should get goose bumps once in a while about your work~, the project is massive in scale, certainly worthy of my respect and everyone else in readerville and your employ as well. This piece is well written and also lays out a good mission statement reminder to […]

Hillary & the Conspiracy of Relentless Suicides

August 17, 2019

The real test will be if Ghislaine Maxwell ends up mysteriously dead now that she has been at least seen in Los Angeles. Then the talk that Jeffrey Epstein spent hours alone with a mysterious pretty woman in lockup according to another attorney who withheld his name, demonstrates how over the top things can get. […]

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