All posts in " Reports and DVDs "

The Rise of the Neocons

February 22, 2023

It is time, to tell the truth about what is really behind all the chaos and why our Government is pushing for World War III. People may talk and mention the Neocons. However, they do exist and they are by no means simply Republicans. In fact, this report traces their origins and their links extend […]

How Do Empires, Nations & City-States Fall – The Dark Age Cycle

January 8, 2020

  This is a special report which includes for the first time “The Dark Age Cycle” which looks into how do empires die. Sometimes they just collapse, yet at other times, civilization also collapses and moves into a Dark Age. This report distinguishes all the historical changes which have taken place and the rise and […]

The Fate of Europe

January 8, 2020

This is a special report entitled “The Fate of Europe” which dives into the shocking reality behind the curtain of the Euro and why it has failed to become a major reserve currency. The Fate of Europe is a very important report to understand the backdrop to what we face going forward and the risks both […]

Hoarding Dollars

January 8, 2020

Many people continually talk about the dollar crashing. They say the dollar is supposed to crumble to dust and be dispersed into the wind. The bias against the dollar has been turned into a religion primarily propagated by the gold promoters. Unfortunately, they fail to understand the relationship of the dollar to the world economy. […]

The Book on EBAY – Warning 3rd Edition is coming

January 1, 2020

Clients have been writing in that the book is now on EBay. Granted, this Second Edition was apparently the fastest selling book in the history of Amazon. That does not warrant even the first edition being offered for $3,900 on EBay. We will be publishing a 3rd edition ASAP after the new year. This one […]

Manipulating the World Economy – Coming Third Edition

December 22, 2019

Some people have actually asked did the government buy the entire printing to prevent people from reading this book? No. Apparently this has been the fastest selling book ever on Amazon. What we have determined is that there were many people who purchased several copies to hand out as gifts. One client said he bought […]

Amazon Did Sell Out in less than 3 Hours

December 21, 2019

Apparently, they sold out in less than 3 hours before they were even available for Canadians or others outside the country. Amazon said we might sell out by Christmas, but we did not expect the entire printing to be gone in the blink of an eye. Obviously, this is now going to go into a […]

Manipulating the World Economy – Now Available for Pre-Order on Amazon

December 20, 2019

“Manipulating the World Economy” is now available on Amazon for pre-order. Amazon expects the book to be in stock on Christmas day, but you can purchase your copy of the book today. We do not control when Amazon lists the book and we have no idea how long it will last in stock. The price […]

Bond Bubble Institutional Report

December 15, 2019

The Institutional Report on world bond markets will be going out for year-end. Given the seriousness of the Repo Crisis, this report has been timed to deal with the real crisis that confronts the institutional bond investors.  This covers in detail the European, North American, and Asia bond markets. This is part of the Institutional […]

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