All posts in "News"

Trump’s Agenda is Officially Dead

April 10, 2019

  We should not expect Trump to get any of his agenda items through Congress. Trump’s promises to replace the Affordable Care Act, invest in infrastructure, and cut middle class taxes have been essentially shelved. The Democrats refuse to cooperate on anything in hopes of using that against him in 2020. What this really means illustrates […]

The New Brexit Party in Britain May Be Underestimated

April 9, 2019

Nigel Farage led the Ukip party to victory in the last EU elections in 2014. They won 24 MEPs and brough BREXIT to the forefront, however, Nigel split from Ukip when it turned a hard right. Seven MPs have followed Nigel and switched to the newly-formed Brexit Party after PM Theresa May refused to listen and turned […]

The Marijuana Tax – How Did it Become Illegal & Why?

April 9, 2019

  Marijuana has been prejudiced over the years by people who have never understood the risks and because there was concern that marijuana might compete with the paper industry. There was a campaign waged against marijuana that was born out of an anti-immigration movement against Mexicans. The Mexican Revolution began in 1910 and ran into about 1920. […]

Please Send this PDF to Congress, Senate & Trump to Save a Life

April 8, 2019

It is time that We the People demand reform in the Judicial System. Enough is enough. Former US army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning has been thrown into Solitary Confinement to break her no different than any third world country would do to torture a person. Just because judges claim to have this self-anointed power, does not […]

China Backing Russia in Venezuela

April 8, 2019

QUESTION: Did China also send troops to Venezuela? What do you make of that? GW ANSWER: Yes. This is part of the fallout from the Democrats attacking the Russians for Hillary’s loss to Trump. Venezuela still subscribed to Communism. Neither Russia nor China agrees with that philosophy. Therefore, what they are doing is merely opposing the USA […]

Austria Moves to Tax Online Companies

April 8, 2019

The EU has been unable to agree on taxing the internet. As a result, Austria went ahead and passed its own digital tax this week on revenues earned by online companies in their country. The entire problem with this type of taxation is the burden of accounting. This means that the online world will be […]

Did Life Insurance Companies Survive the Great Depression?

April 8, 2019

QUESTION: Did insurance companies just declare bankruptcy during the 1930s to escape liabilities? PD ANSWER: Personally, I have NEVER had an insurance policy that EVER paid what they promised. To me, it is one giant scam. You lie to an insurance company and it is a crime. They lie to you, and they walk on water. They […]

Erdogan Demands Recounts

April 7, 2019

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have demanded recounts in 39 districts that they lost and have prevailed on eight. There has been great concern that Erdogan’s AKP will not accept defeat at the hand of any vote. Many fear there is an undercurrent of tyranny rising behind the […]

German Economy Turning Down Hard into 2020

April 6, 2019

The German economy is what holds up Europe. The data on the industrial sector in Germany is out and it has disappointed everyone once again with production dropping 0.8% month-on-month in January 2019. January’s contraction was driven by a steep drop in capital goods output and a fall in intermediate goods production. However, consumer goods […]

Global Warming Hits London

April 6, 2019

It actually snowed in London this past April. Heavy snow caused sheer chaos across much of the UK.  The snow and hail even hit London where it rarely ever snows. I remember there was a dusting of snow one day back in 1985, and the city came to a halt. There was no snow removal equipment and people […]

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