Chicago Tribune Calls for Hillary to Step Down

October 31, 2016



 Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside


I fully agree from my “opinion” perspective that Hillary is a disgrace and she should step aside and Joe Biden should be the Democratic Candidate. Americans have “become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, even after Friday’s FBI announcement that it had reopened an investigation of her emails while secretary of state?” wrote the Tribune.

The Tribune continued: “It’s obvious the American political system is breaking down. It’s been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they’re properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause. Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect.”

If Hillary is elected, and keep in mind many people are voting already before this announcement, we will not only see the most corrupt administration is history, we will also see the most scandalous and investigated President in history. She should think of the country FIRST, and not her life-long goal to be the first woman president. This is not a personal contest. This is supposed to be the leader of the country and they like to claim to be the leader of the free world. The stakes are too high to allow Hillary to take office. Joe Biden should take the flag and lead the charge for the Democrats.


Pres-TurnoutThis is my “opinion” and it has nothing to do with Trump. This is the peak in government (2015.75) and for Hillary to be the choice just makes our model want to turn out the lights itself and wake up when she is gone. Yes it has been forecasting the biggest spike in 3rd Party activity. That is obviously Trump because the Republican elite do not support him, nor do career politicians, corporate America, Wall Street, and of course the media. So it looks like the computer was right on that one as well since he is a default 3rd party all on his own and his biggest donors are the middle class individuals, not the Republican money machine. They are backing Hillary.  We should see the largest voter turnout for the past 23 elections. Those who have already voted for Hillary in the pre-election ballot schemes in many states, cannot now change their vote. So it will depend entirely upon the masses coming out as they did in the BREXIT vote against the establishment.


Our model says we are headed down anyway. But if Hillary is elected, the magnitude of that decline may be much worse than expected. We have almost a perfect Double Monthly Bearish Reversal in the Dow Jones Industrial Index at the 17330 level and a Bullish standing at 18625. In gold we have a Monthly Bearish Reversal at 12420 and a Minor Bullish at 13060. In Crude Oil, we have 4933 coming into play for the closing of October.

We have interest rates that appear to be getting ready to lift off after a 5,000 year historic low. Keep in mind, that a collapse in confidence of government will cause more and more people to shun government bonds and hoard even more cash.

Obama & Lynch Try to Block Comey While Agents will Leak Everything if Comey Yields

October 31, 2016


According to reliable sources, there may be several hundred thousand emails on Weiner’s laptop that are copies of Hillary’s emails she withheld and deleted claiming they were personal. There is a deep feud within the FBI who believe Hillary should have been indicted. It appears that Comey’s hand was forced by the threat of FBI agents leaking information that would show the FBI yielded to political pressure from Obama, the Democratic Party, and Clinton campaign to keep all relevant material out of the public eye until after the election. It is clear that Hillary should just step aside for her country. If elected, she would be embattled for years with investigations, impeachment motions, and corruption investigations. She would get nothing done anyhow. The pressure from Obama and DOJ Lynch, is very political to say the least. It demonstrates that their politics comes before the law, ethics, God, and country.

A 6.6 Earthquake Hits Northwest of Rome

October 30, 2016

Colosseum Severus Alexander

Our models have been showing a rising trend for earthquakes in several key positions. They too are cyclical in nature and as such can also be forecast. The earthquake that hit shortly after our post at 7:41 a.m local time in Italy, is the strongest since 1980. However, it is also not the “big” one just yet. We have also been monitoring a major extinct volcano that appears to be coming alive just southeast of Rome. That appears to be the big one.

Earthquakes are well documented in Rome for centuries. In 217 AD, early in the reign of Macrinus (217-218AD), the Colosseum was struck by lightning and badly damaged, which was viewed as an ill omen for the tenure of the new emperor. By 218 AD the Severan dynasty was once more on the throne, in the guise of Elagabalus (218-222AD), and repairs to the Colosseum were begun. However, work continued under Severus Alexander (222-235AD) so that by 223 AD the building was sufficiently restored to be used once more be used. It became a symbol of recovery much as the Empire State Building served as such a symbol during the Great Depression. Nonetheless, it took a decade to be finish the repairs, which were complete during the reign of Gordian III, who also released a small issue of medallions to announce its completion. The “big one” may arrive 2020/2021.

Here is a list of the earthquakes that hit Rome itself.

  • 15 AD – city walls destroyed
  • 20 – Pompey’s Theatre burned down as a result
  • 85
  • 116
  • 191 – The Templum Pacis is destroyed by a quake
  • 223
  • 258 – Big quake destroyed more than 1000 houses
  • 304
  • 443 – The Forum and the Colosseum were struck by an earthquake
  • 454 – The Circus Maximus was damged by earthquake
  • 477 – Major earthquake struck Rome including the Colosseum and aftershocks lasted for 40 days
  • 508 – The arena floor of the Colosseum collapsed from a quake
  • 739
  • 780
  • 801 – The roof of St. Paul’s collapsed during earthquake
  • 849 – Capitol and Aventine were damaged by an earthquake
  • 896 – St John’s Lateran suffered major damage from a quake
  • 1231
  • 1349
  • 1350
  • 1403
  • 1703
  • 1915
  • 1979

Will Hillary be Indicted in 2017? Cycles Look Like that is the Outcome!

October 30, 2016

Comey-James FBI-Portrait

Justice officials Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates disagreed with FBI Director James Comey’s decision to notify Congress about the bureau’s review of Hillary emails. Both did not agree playing it technical whereby the Department of Justice (DOJ) does typically announce they are investigating something. Of course, NY State did so with Trump clearly designed to be political. Comey didn’t seek their approval but Lynch had improperly met with Bill Clinton during the investigation and should have been fired for that. She in turn put everything on Comey’s shoulders saying she would accept whatever he said.

Comey is the one who is under fire internally within the FBI who feel he was being political by NOT indicting Hillary. Obama began campaigning for Hillary the very day Comey said he would not recommend and indictment. This decision to tell Congress was his alone and he did not seek their approval. He knows if Hillary came to office he would never remain anyhow and any wrongdoing would never come to light.

Instead, Comey made a totally independent decision to go against longstanding Justice Department and FBI practice to not comment publicly about politically sensitive investigations. But Hillary has used his “no indictment” as an endorsement. Comey’s fingerprints will be all over this issue one way or another.

Comey has explained his decision saying: “We don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed.” Comey added: “I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record.”

2017 Countdown

Other agents will leak info anyway because they were unanimously in favor of indicting Hillary to start with. Any way we slice this, a Hillary win will be devastating insofar as the next two years will be intense filled with scandals and would more likely than not end in impeachment. On July 27, 1974, the House Judiciary Committee voted 27–11 to recommend the first article of impeachment against the president Richard Nixon for obstruction of justice. The House then recommended the second article, abuse of power, on July 29, 1974.

When we look at the cyclical aspect, 43 years from 1974 (50% of 86-year wave) will be 2017. The previous cycle interval was 1931, when debate on the floor of the Senate echoed words claiming that even a “dictatorship” was better than the pains of depression supporting suggestions of communism or socialism was the way out. Then, the following year, Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden twice introduced impeachment resolutions against President Herbert Hoover.

Hoover lost the 1932 election, so impeachment proceedings just died. When I posed this question to our main computer system, it came back with this result.

Hillary Watergate

It appears that IF Hillary is elected, we will see impeachment proceedings begin by the summer of 2017. Looks like what goes around, comes around. Hillary fought to get Nixon impeached on “obstruction of justice” which she is guilty of at the very least. This is not going to be a walk in the park for Hillary and her refusal to shut down the Clinton Foundation handing it to Chelsea, is only inviting a complete continuation of the scandal pay-for-play. Hillary does not know when to back-off. She constantly pushed the envelop. If she loses to Trump, she will blame Comey.

Let’s face the facts. Our computer does not make emotional or political calls. It has no personal bias as humans. It is what it is. This new evidence is starting to change the game behind the curtain from all our sources fundamentally. Very interesting. Perhaps the computer will be right at the end of the day. The the government wanted the code for our model, it was not about forecasting markets. It was about the rise and fall of governments, civil unrest, and war. They were not concerned if the Dow or gold rose or fell. It was politics only.

Earthquake Due in Italy?

October 30, 2016


There has been a rise in earthquake activity in the vicinity of Rome. It appears this is starting to intensify once again.

Did Comey Come Out Precisely on Target of the ECM?

October 30, 2016


QUESTION: Marty, Comey came out right on the day of the ECM to announce a continued investigation into Hillary. Is this the key focus for this target?

ANSWER: It certainly appears to be spot on. The fact that it hit to the day is normally the sign this is an important event. So follow this one. It also looks like Hillary will be indicted or impeached starting in 2017.

Hillary – Weinergate – Abedin New Scandal – Indictment Now?

October 29, 2016

ny-post-stroking-gunThe New York Post is doing the best job on explaining this latest scandal. They have the 302s which are FBI reports of interviews. They clearly show that Huma Abedin is either an idiot not qualified for chief of staff, which she has been promised, or she is guilty of violating security and lying to FBI agents that are another round of felonies.

huma-abedin-weinerA separate team of FBI agents not politically restrained by Obama, found thousands of State Department-related emails containing classified information on the electronic devices belonging to Weiner and his wife. You see, remember Weingate when Huma’s husband was sending pictures of his penis to women? It turns out, the FBI was investigating Congressman Anthony Weiner for sexting an underage girl of just 15 years old. In this case, the FBI acted as a normal investigation. They walk in and seize everything instead of requesting it as they did with Clinton and then waited for her to delete 50% of the emails.

Therefore, this separate FBI team seized Abedin and Weiner’s devices so they have much of the otherwise “personal” emails Hillary erased to cover her trail. In the 302 investigative 11-page report interviewing Abedin, on page 3, the agents explained that they showed Abedin a classified paper on Pakistan sent from a State Department source, which she had forwarded to her personal Yahoo email account. It now can be shown that her breach of security was by no means an isolated event, but a regular practice.

At the very least, Abedin should be indicted. There is no possible way her handling of classified documents would allow her to be chief of staff in the White House. The discovery of these emails by a separate team of FBI agents has forced FBI Director James Comey to reopen the case just 11 days from the election. Under any normal situation, Hillary should step down for the good of the country. But we know you would have to drag her off the stage by the hair to say the least. This is all about her being the first feminist president and it will be retribution time.

Sun’s Drop in Energy Output Stronger than Expected

October 29, 2016


I have been warning that global warming is really a hoax, for the major issue is that the sun is a thermodynamic system, which means that it does not provide a steady output. There is a 300-year cycle to this entire phenomenon.

Experts say that solar activity has fallen to levels not seen since the mini-ice age that took place between 1645 and 1715 known as the Maunder Minimum.

While the global warming advocates want to blame everything on CO2 levels, hard evidence from ice core samples indicate that spikes in CO2 levels trailed increases in global temperature by about 200 years. This has caused people to question the validity of their theories. Of course, the cycle with CO2 level spikes predates human activity with combustion engines by hundreds of thousands of years.

Environment Minister Hendricks of the EU wants to regulate cow farting, claiming that it creates more global warming than cars.

Volcanoes can—and do—influence the global climate. Mount Tambora erupted in 1816 and threw so much ash into the air that it snowed during the summer in New York City. The event became known as “18-hundred-and-froze-to-death.”

The problem is that global warming is like trying to analyze a market by only looking at short positions and never the longs. CO2 levels are an aspect, but the major aspect remains the energy output of the sun that dictates the major cycle, which is heading back into a cooling phase that no degree of CO2 levels will overcome.

The FBI Reopens Hillary’s Emails – Too Hot to Handle

October 29, 2016


Hillary may not be laughing much longer. The FBI has sent a letter to Congress stating that new emails have surfaced and they are investigating new leads. Hillary Clinton’s email controversy has bubbled up once again as FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers the bureau is reviewing new emails related to her personal server. Comey has come out and said he will detail more facts. Even Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein commented on the FBI’s shocking Friday afternoon announcement that they are reopening the investigation into Hilary Clinton’s email server because new evidence has come to light would not do so unless it was compelling.

The RELIABLE sources from behind the curtain (1) say the Wikileaks has made the FBI look like fools, besides I reported previously that those working on the case unanimously believed she should be indicted. (2) the latest “new” emails go all the way to Obama and it appears that Hillary didn’t like reading long emails on her Blackberry. She was first sending them to Huma would then print them out for Hillary. Huma did not delete them so now they have the whole batch. This is the latest running around behind the curtain for they surfaced from another department when they were looking into allegation of Huma’s husband texting underage girls.

James B. Comey, said the emails had surfaced in an unrelated case, which law enforcement officials said was an F.B.I. investigation into illicit text messages from Mr. Weiner to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. Mr. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman from New York, is married to Huma Abedin, the top aide.

Mr. Comey’s letter said that the FBI would review the emails of Huma to determine if they improperly contained classified information, which is tightly controlled by the government. Mr. Comey said in his letter that the emails “appear to be pertinent.” To do this 11 days before the election is rather significant. There are other claims that a Hillary victory would have to be nullified and others say it would justify Obama using martial law to suspend the election and stuff in place Joe Biden. A lot is flying behind the curtain right now.

Market Talk – October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016

Market-Talk -R


The Nikkei continued its march despite the weakness seen in other Asian markets as currency continues to be the counterbalance. In late morning trade we did see a retracement back towards unchanged level but that was short-lived and as soon as the afternoon session resumed trading the buyers lifted it again and we closed near the highs of the day.

Europe traded heavy initially on the back of data but really wanted to wait for US GDP, especially ahead of next week! Even though we saw some poor results from banks (UBS and RBS), it would appear shares had priced much of that in for todays release. Next week we have the election and the FED. It should be no surprise we trade nervous into the weekend especially when we see results like Amazon (30% miss this morning)! US opening in sympathy with Europe but starting to recover as data picks-up and traders square off ahead of the weekend.

As we approach month end and on the edge of the holiday season, there is just so much at stake next week that money begins to move for safety. Cash is being hoarded according to much of todays press, gold has rallied in the past couple of hours and the markets feel very nervous ahead of the FED and the US elections. We shall provide more of an update once we see the closing numbers on Monday but oil is one market we should keep an eye on over the next few days.

After yesterdays excitement the Bond market was reasonably well behaved today. US 2’s closed 0.86% and 10’s at 1.84%. Bunds did have a volatile day but closed almost unchanged at 0.165% (that closes US/Germany spread at +167.5bp. Italy 10’s lost more ground closing 1.58% (+5bp), Greece 8.21%, Turkey +7bp at 9.82%, Portugal 3.31% (+5bp) and UK Gilts 1.26% (+1bp).

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