All posts in " Civil Unrest "

Protests in Germany Turn Against Pro-Refugee Politicians

October 11, 2016

The resistance to the refugees in Germany keeps rising. German mayor Joachim Kebschull of Oersdorf had to be hospitalized after he was severely beaten after expressing support for asylum seekers. He was attacked from behind as he walked to a planning meeting on Thursday night. Michael Richter, the head of a party on the town council of Freital, on […]

Merkel Suffers Major Defeat in Elections

September 5, 2016

CHANCELOR ANGELA MERKEL has suffer a major defeat with her party coming in third place in her homes state of  Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Sunday. The signs of a major anti-immigration movement in Germany assures Merkel’s days are clearly numbered. The growing discontent with the Chancellor is all we hear from our direct sources in Germany. Only one year […]

The Road Ahead

September 2, 2016

I am receiving tons of emails from amazed readers who are congratulating me on our model that forecast a rise in third party activity from Europe to Asia. This rise is becoming obvious everywhere around the globe as a new era of anti-establishment. I showed this chart of the number of European separatist movements back at […]

Children and Propagana

September 1, 2016

QUESTION: I read your latest article how the American Press is engaging in propaganda. I also recalled your July 29 article on Congress authorizing the use of propaganda against the American people. Are there any signs that we can identify propaganda when that is the agenda? Is there some clue? You are the only person […]

Government Preparing for Worldwide Civil Unrest – Why?

August 23, 2016

A number of emails have come in asking if we are advising the government since they are now enlisting firms to research a rise in civil unrest. The answer is no! Nevertheless, everyone knows of the accuracy of our computer systems and our cycle of war models. It was the CIA that, after all, came […]

Why is August the Most Active Month for War?

August 15, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have stated that August is the season of war. Can you explain a bit more than just that. I am sure you have before. But I am new to the blog. Thank you for opening my mind ND ANSWER: The majority of wars have begun in the spring and summer with August […]

The Contest Between Islam & Christianity Returns?

August 13, 2016

Are we headed into a new age of Islam v Christianity? What people do not grasp is that the first panic in our list of panics from which I derived the Economic Confidence Model was 1683. That was the invasion of the Ottoman Empire directly against Vienna, which was the seat of the Holy Roman […]

Europe on the Brink of Complete Chaos?

August 10, 2016

There are so many incidents with the refugee crisis in Europe that the blog could be filled with that subject alone. Even the press in Germany is starting to shift after countless incidents from knife attacks to a gang beating and robbing British tourists in the same square in Cologne, Germany. Not to mention the media’s […]

Refugees Set Bus on Fire in Paris

August 5, 2016 The refugee crisis in Europe is just exploding from killing priests during a mass to raping girls in swimming pools. In Paris, a bus was stopped by a makeshift barricade and then set on fire by a group of young men shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” The young men constructed a barricade in the middle of the road […]

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