All posts in " Climate Change "

Antarctica Use to Have no Ice?

August 1, 2019

  Research is surfacing that shows Antarctica may have been without ice during the Medieval Warming Period some refer to as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) which took place between 1000–1200 AD. Mapping the MCA across the Antarctic region based on the analysis of published palaeotemperature proxy data from 60 sites has revealed something which defies […]

Has the Ice in the Arctic Ever Melted Before?

July 31, 2019

QUESTION: Martin, Been reading you for years, starting when the SDNY wrongly jailed you and basically destroyed your constitutional rights, s/b a movie… what a great service you do for human kind…hope some of it sticks..lucky for all readers we have you for now to help us face the future,”thank you” !!! Our question concerns […]

Humans Occupy Less Than 3% of the Surface of the Earth

July 29, 2019

Now the save the planet crew is demanding that 50% of all landmass be void of humans. The real fact is that 95% of the world’s population lives on less than 10% of the land. Obviously, these people really do not understand math. Most of the planet’s surface is covered in water in the form […]

The Next Solar Cycle Begins in 2020 & May be a Panic Decline in Solar Activity

July 26, 2019

  Our computer correlates everything from economics to nature. We have been warning that the next 8.6-year wave in the Economic Confidence Model appears to be one of inflation. This should be a cost-push version, meaning not DEMAND but shortages. One of the serious correlations we see is that the next solar cycle of 11 […]

Climate Change is about Overthrowing Capitalism

July 25, 2019

The Extinction Rebellion, formed in 2018, appears to be an extreme anarchist group that is using climate as an excuse to overthrow governments. Climate change has become a movement that advocates a hostile takeover of the world economy to end capitalism. This movement of climate protestors in Britain known as the Extinction Rebellion has a […]

Europe Bans Natural Gas in New Homes

July 23, 2019

COMMENT: Regarding: California Economy Declining Significantly In the Netherlands (Europe) the same. Gas not allowed for new homes. Now new homes are more than €50000 more expensive (not the same climate as California). Existing homes will also be forced from gas to alternatives by 2030 which the government will try to enforce with sneaky planned […]

More Insanity from the Climate Group without Supporting Evidence

July 9, 2019

Breakthrough Report 2019 Here we go again. The Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Change has issued a report without ANY scientific evidence whatsoever offering an opinion predicting the end of human civilization as we know it. The report begins: “In 2017-18, the Australian Senate inquired into the implications of climate change for Australia’s national security. […]

Climate Change – Hail Storm in Mexico & Snow in Norway in July

July 6, 2019

The hail storm in Guadalajara, Mexico, has shocked many who are calling it a freak storm. It has happened many times in various cities. The real concern is this fake research about global warming with the data being manipulated to pretend there is some linear trend. GAST Report fake data The real concern is that […]

Climate Change & Solar Minimum

June 19, 2019

COMMENT: Hello Martin, You’ve covered the topic of increasing seismic activity and the correlation with climate change extensively in your daily blog. Since the solar activity started to decline (cycle 24) around +/- 2014-2015, it seems that the rate of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are increasing worldwide. Below I have added some links as reference […]

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