All posts in " Climate "

Australia Fires – Nature or Global Warming?

January 15, 2020

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I have been following your blog for a number of years and enjoy your more analyzed perspective on climate change. I am not fully convinced man [that] is causing the changes and I’d like to hear your opinion about the Australian fires. Living here in and amongst the carnage of the fires […]

Polar Shift – The Undefinable Risk?

January 14, 2020

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am a new reader. I was recommended to look to your site when I was in a climate debate with a friend. They never tell us that the sun has a cycle which beats like your heart as you put it. I also never knew the north pole moved drastically. I […]

Taal Volcano Erupts in Philippines

January 13, 2020

COMMENT: Dear Martin, You might find this interesting. Today the Taal volcano in Luzon, Philippines, erupted in a violent way sending an ash plume as high as 16 km (55.000 ft). The last time this volcano erupted was in 1977. This is 43 years ago which equals to 5*8.6. The low solar activity seems to […]

Abrupt Swings in Weather from Cold to Heat

January 10, 2020

QUESTION: Does your computer show that the major trend is down toward cooling and in the process were are getting these wild swings from new record colds to one-day wonders of hot? Thank you ‘DK ANSWER: Yes, the broader trend is cooling thanks to the solar minimum. But there are also wild swings from new […]

Exploitation of Greta – Greenpeace & Al Gore

January 8, 2020

COMMENT: So it seems that Greta Thunberg was not a true believer in climate change, but that her parents got her involved in the movement so as to help with her Aspergers and severe depression. Unbelievable–no wonder she seemed so unstable during her speeches. MHB REPLY: It has been well known that Greta Thunberg had […]

Netherlands Supreme Court Rules They Must Reduce CO2 by 25% by end of 2020!

January 8, 2020

QUESTION: Marty, I just read that in the Dutch so-called climate Justice case the supreme court has upheld the original 2015 ruling, legally requiring the government to reduce emissions by 25%. This appears to be the first successful such case, and it might be a precedent for the others. What about the separation of powers if […]

Climate Change & Swiss Alps & Glacier Analysis

January 7, 2020

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, the data used by the climate change movement only dates back to 1850. Here in Switzerland, they state that the Alps Glacier peaked with Tambora in 1815 and has been retreating ever since. If the last Little Ice Age ended in 1850, the climate should have been warming naturally from that period. […]

Snow in Thailand

January 1, 2020

A reader from Thailand has sent this in. Maybe the first White Christmas in Thailand

Bangladesh Death Toll from Extreme Cold – A Warning to us All!

December 31, 2019

Bangladesh has a subtropical monsoon climate characterized by wide seasonal variations in rainfall, high temperatures and humidity. The three distinct seasons in Bangladesh are hot, humid summer from March to June; a cool, rainy monsoon season from June to October; and a cool, dry winter from October to March. The summer temperatures generally range between […]

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