All posts in " Climate "

Gas Stove Warning Labels

June 19, 2024

Coming to a blue state near you, legislators would like to slap warning labels on gas-powered stoves. What is the warning? Lawmakers say that consumers should be aware that gas stoves release toxic fumes and are harmful to the environment. California, Illinois, and New York have all agreed to include labels that state gas stoves […]

The White Earth Effect

May 30, 2024

The earth’s climate is anything but regular, with every year a repeat of the last. The White Earth Effect is the realization of what would happen if the earth was entirely covered in snow and ice. The bottom line is that the Earth would then reflect the sunlight rather than absorb it, and hence, the […]

Al Gore Said the Ice Caps would be Gone by 2014 – Yes 2014!

May 15, 2024

  The Press REFUSES to hold all of these failed Climate Change forecasts to test. All they do is keep moving the date for our doom, all due to CO2. In fact, the real crisis is the continued weakening of the magnetic field, which leads to pole shifts about every 43000 years – yes, that […]

Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban in Germany?

May 9, 2024

Germany is moving full speed ahead to reach their asinine climate targets. The citizens who are in essence the very carbon they wish to destroy must be punished for not sacrificing enough to uphold Angela Merkel’s Climate Protection Act. Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening the German people with “an indefinite weekend driving ban.” […]

Bad Hygiene is Good for the Environment

May 1, 2024

We are expected to sacrifice all of our Earthly comforts in the name of climate change. The latest issue brewing across the media is water conservation, specifically taking daily showers. Experts at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) state that the average 8-minute shower wastes 20 gallons of water. There are now calls to establish a […]

Lighting Your Fireplace will Be a $500 Fine for CO2 Police

April 23, 2024   I remember that growing up, my parents would light the fire on Christmas. We would listen to Christmas music and snuggle up in front of the fire. Now, if you light a fire, you are destroying the planet, and that is grounds to fine you. I suppose if your house burns down, insurance […]

OMG We Will All Die by 2027? Party Time!

April 20, 2024

  Since the Climate Change nuts swear we will all die in just 3 years, you might as well stop working, go party, don’t bother paying your bills, and when you are done celebrating in a NY Restaurant, just walk out. If they complain, say Biden has confirmed we will all die by 2027, just […]

COVID was a Tactic for Control & to Further Climate Change

April 19, 2024

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I haven’t bothered you with any questions for a long time, but if you could find time to express your opinion on this matter, it would be very valuable not only for me, but also for the readers of your blog. While we are currently in the initial stage of the War […]

Republicans v the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency

April 18, 2024

The federal US government insists 60% of all new car production must be electric by 2030 – six years away. I have explained numerous times how this is unsustainable for US infrastructure, the private sector, and the average American consumer. Now, 13 Republican-led states are taking the federal government to the US Court of Appeals […]

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